After posting several posts here, I feel that Maemo 5 is very advanced on many aspects. More like a desktop OS. What I see about MeeGo is that MeeGo came to look like Android/iPhone. Symbian-3 could provide good portrait support even with widgets on the home screen. Because NOKIA orgnized the widgets as modules and limit the customization. For Maemo 5, you can do more customization. From the UI aspect, I find that MeeGo can provide better portrait support. Maemo cannot do this because in Maemo you can cusomize you Maemo is one step ahead the iOS/Android. iPhone/Android is still defined as a phone. In Maemo, you can decide where to put the icon/widgets/contacts on anywhere on the desktop. NO OTHER OS CAN DO THIS ! ! I think NOKIA made this change based on the market research result. Maybe the result is that more than 90 percent customers like a phone, not a internet tablet like N900. So Nokia decide to make MeeGo to be more like a phone OS. But what I want to say is that as a phone OS, Android/iOS is several steps ahead. More apps, more developers.