Thread: SMS Signatures
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Posts: 671 | Thanked: 1,630 times | Joined on Aug 2010
Originally Posted by cards531 View Post
I use it to identify myself and my company to prospective clients. Also a brief intro to my business. Even my sons $50 Nokia has this option. Guess it not a big deal deal to the tech, just a thought. Something as trivial as this should be standard do ya think!!!
In the interim I found this piece of code which you could use,
I would rename it to just to have a built-in reminder
not to overdo it.
  1. Put in /usr/local/sbin
  2. chmod to 755
  3. in xterm:
/usr/local/sbin/ 08*nu*me*ric** "message"

Tip of the hat goes to CepiPerez and the folks upstream.
Three n900s: One for stable working platform,
One for development testing Chopping Onions
One for saltwater immersion power testing resurrected ! parts scavenging

My Mods for Wonko's Advanced Clock Plugin:
ISO8601 clock mod and Momental_IST clock mod

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