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Originally Posted by jstokes View Post
Start with the "Clear device" function already found in Settings. It runs a script: /usr/sbin/

It doesn't clear everything (esp. settings in ~ by applications created by a 3rd-party, for instance) but it just runs a bunch of scripts in /etc/osso-cud-scripts/
thanks, i'm guessing i'd want to edit this to my own settings, so it clears what i want it to, but obviously i'm a bit dubious about how to safely open and edit it, i dont want to accidentally run it prematurely! any tips for playing with this particular fire safely?

ps would a rm /home/user/MyDocs/ command work as root or is it somehow protected? again, testing isn't really an option!
sarcasm may be the lowest form of wit, but its the only wit i have.

its a sad day when i can't slip at least one hitchhiker reference in somewhere.