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Originally Posted by sachin007 View Post
No apps? How many apps does wp7 have? Cross platform qt was such a wonderful plan. Ovi store downloads were picking up nicely. The recent increase in qt apps was clearly there. Nokia dumped everything for xbox live & zune?
At least there's a fully functioning Twitter app, MS Office app, a music app backed by a real music store that's still up and running among other apps.

Comes with Music? Dead.

NGage? Dead.

Mauku, Witter? Might as well be dead - they never got updates that were worthwhile. Same with Skype, Flash Player, even the browser was forked and not really updated.

Hell... to properly edit a *.doc file, I'd need: EasyDebian then OpenOffice and a shitload of patience because it ran slow. Been there, hated that.

Apples to apples, Windows Phone 7 has more polished apps than you seem to know about. Read up, educate yourself there before saying another comedic whine for sympathy over a company that did absolutely nothing for your beloved Maemo - who the hell releases an OS and not want it to be a mass-marketed and/or mass sold device (!?) unless they had a ton of money to lose in the first place.

The fandom is downright laughable. Talk about reality distortion fields... this one almost beats the Apple fanboys.


Nokia + MS is a reality. I just hope it pays off or MeeGo hits a milestone that folks will really get behind. At the current iteration, I wouldn't use it for even a hobby OS, and I still run a machine here with BeOS/Haiku on it.