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Originally Posted by horus View Post
My Father is a fan of buying Nokia phones yet doesn't care about his phone in the slightest (sub $40 phone).
For every 'your father', there are at least five others that will look what features/possibilities their next device offers them and/or ask for an advice from people not in the fanbase, but in the 'knowbase'.

Easily, Nokia sold more than 100 devices in the past 10 years just based on my advice to my family/friends/coworkers (three of those being N900). I could not, in my right mind, honestly recommend WP7 to anyone - it's a glorified feature phone platform, and for people that only need a feature phone there are far better and/or far cheaper options - for those that want flashy and trendy platform, and have money to waste, I'd recommend the iPhone; for those who only need to call/SMS from their device there are good sub $100 options, and what's more - usually not coming from Nokia.

Originally Posted by freemangordon View Post
Lets put in in this way - find and download some xvid on the web and try to play it on you WP phone. Then return here and tell me what the result was, OK?
He won't be able to try that - the Zune SW will not let him upload it to 'his' device (one would debate whether you own such a device or you are just leasing it from the manufacturer), anyway.

Originally Posted by horus View Post
This seems trivial but using WP7 I can open an SMS instantly.
So that's the only thing you can name in favor of WP7? Good, let me find my old, trusty 3310 - it was also able to open everything in an instance... Of course, that 'everything' was mostly nothing, but it could open it in a blink of an eye.

Originally Posted by horus View Post
Regardless have you even used WP7? It was a good choice on Nokia's part for the sake of the companies existence. MeeGo was developing too slowly and the company needed to respond to change.
Yes I did. One of my friends work at a local Microsoft branch and all the employees got them for Christmas even tho they won't be doing any mobile development - I guess Microsoft cares about the numbers of 'sold' items. And, I kid you not, in the middle of me playing with it, I was reading some blog on the intertubes (at least they've got the browser, finally, to usable-ish state) and there was an extremely good, albeit lengthy quote I wanted to forward to couple of my friends - beep, can't do it! The exact same thing I'm used to do, and consider it granted, since cca. 2002. I won't even mention the lack of multitasking, many people do not understand the importance of it anyway.

But ok, I was aware of that limitation - what truly came as a nasty surprise (at that time I really haven't read much on WP7 so I didn't have the idea how limited it really is) is when I wanted to transfer some my music library from my N900 (or my laptop) to it so we can test how well it does BT streaming to my car's infotainment system. Since I often lend him my car, he considered that a crucial feature that had to be thoroughly tested. No BT file transfers, ok I can live with that, but I couldn't even transfer it via cable from my laptop because, oh I don't know, I need a special software to do that which, surprise surprise, does not exist for Linux. Being stubborn as I am, I tried to do it through Win7 installation in VBox, but to no avail - it wouldn't even recognize the damn device. So we tried to pair his device with my car anyway and at least get it to play what he already transferred to it, and there comes another cold shower - my car didn't recognize it not as a phone device, and not as a multimedia device! At that point even my friend, who is a strong supporter of Microsoft way of thinking which from time to time stirs fierce debates, called it a POS because, I don't know, his three years old Nokia s40 device (can't remember the exact mark) could do all those things without breaking a sweat.

On an off note, I think that the UI is actually more horrid than the one on the iPhone, but that's, I guess, a matter of personal preference so I wouldn't hold that against it.
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

Last edited by zwer; 2011-02-13 at 12:44.

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