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Originally Posted by Techark View Post
Way I see this there were two possibles that lead to this.

Elop came in with this in mind from the start and the board hired him to do just this.

Elop came in looked at where the programmers were with Symbian and Meego and realized it was in worse shape than anyone knows with no hope of getting better anytime soon and decided the only hope to save Nokia was to take this big punt.
Since Elop came to Nokia still being a huge M$ stockholder, #1 is far more likely. Clearly MeeGo/Qt was moving too slowly, but that should've called for a better effort, not giving up. Symbian/MeeGo/Qt was a solid plan for long-term success. Of course they were scared to death of it! And remember, to M$ Linux will always be nothing but a disease that needs to be exterminated.

With this deal in one clean sweep M$ has accomplished several goals critically important to them:

1. Taken a major Linux (MeeGo) supporter and their resources out of the game.
2. Convinced Nokia to eliminate another rival OS, Symbian. That's 2 rival OS out, WP7 in. What a deal!
3. Considerably weakened Qt, another competitive technology.
4. Picked up at least several million WP7 customers.
5. Made Bing the default Nokia search engine, strengthening their position against Google search.
6. Picked up millions of customers for M$ gaming.

And on and on... An unbelievable deal for M$, and one they would've done whatever it took to make happen. Monkey Boy Ballmer and Elop, the huge M$ stockholder, win bigtime. Ballmer and Elop dance, awkwardly. Nokia gets...a totally closed, unfinished crap OS and a dim future. Their employees bend over and grimace.

Elop and the Nokia board should be put back ON that burning platform to roast. Nokia employees should do an Egypt kinda action.
Registered Linux user #266531.

Last edited by Crashdamage; 2011-02-13 at 14:39.

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