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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
See, that's the thing. From the looks of things, it would appear that the OS is becoming far less open than Android--which is kinda pathetic given it's whole selling point is being open-source. While Nokia opens up certain portions (which seems like pulling teeth, to start with), they ADD more and more closed-source components to the OS that you can't exclude without harming the system. Whereas Android already has a larger open of open-source to closed, and they're unmarrying a lot of the closed-source as a dependency--so you CAN replace them with open-source without harming the whole Android eco-system. Nokia hasn't got bragging rights to being more open than anyone else lately. Maybe back in 2006/2007, but certainly not anymore--even amongst large mobile OS's that they compete against.
Perhaps I missed an earlier point, but how is the OS (presumably Meego) becoming less open than Maemo? Or do you mean that Android is becoming more open than Maemo/Meego?

I've also got to disagree with your evaluation of Android as open - the hw abstraction layers certainly seem to me to be very closed. Even more so than Maemo originally was, and much of the user-facing code is also closed afaiu (application-wise, which was also the issue with Maemo).