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natedog400's Avatar
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Originally Posted by woody14619 View Post
Wait, don't you mean you're sticking up for someone who was falsely claiming that fmms was no longer supported, because the author was to busy to reply to him within a day, and the documentation was several versions out of date? Extechop wasn't asking for help, he was replying to someone else asking for help.

So instead of helping, you're calling me names, after I wrote up a reply noting that the topic (the creation/existance of an APN) does happen still based on fmms settings, and suggested that he search/read the thread to see confirmation of that?

Who's the prick here?

It's people like you that drive people away. You drive away people like me, that are under no obligation to help but still do. Part of helping is correcting false claims by those who don't know what's going on, yet present themselves as if they do.

Would it have been better to let his accusation go completely unanswered? Nobody else answered the question, including you. Should I have simply NOT replied with any info at all? Which is more likely to scare new "memers" off? False information that a key app is no longer supported, or someone saying "no, the answer is Y, you should search the thread for more info about it."

If new members are scared off by the thought of using the search feature in this forum, I say good riddance. There are thousands of posts in just this one thread, yet alone the whole forum. If they can't search and expect "support" for their every question instantly, they're more of a hindrance than help.

I can't help but note that you didn't answer him, though you did find the time to insult those that did. Maybe if you spent less time preaching and more time practicing what you preach this forum would be a little better off.

You want to be helpful, show it. Post useful replies to people asking questions instead of bad mouthing people that are actually helping here.
Have i missed somethin?? I didn't answer because i didn't have an answer, i'm sick of reading ppl's post and then all they get back is.... do a search, or do some research. Alot of ppl including me don't have the time to read thousands of posts when it could be answered with a click of a button. Anyway, i do apologise if i bad mouthed you for no reason, but at the same time i'm still pissed off at the way people react over an innocent questions. If someone started a thread on "how do i turn my phone on" I'll bet 50 quid on the respose. Inteligense is seperated quite widely between different people and i don't for 1 minute considder myself to be one of the brainier ones but we all need help no matter what the problem is. Its worth helping just to read how thankful they are afterwards. Anyhoo, again... i do apoligise

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