It already is a mobile OS - it works on various devices, including the N900. Now, how much is it feature complete, how consistent and sexy is its UI/UX and so on, is a whole different story... You can use it on the N900... In all honesty, I'm pretty much sure that you (or some manager for that matter) don't understand either quantum physics or genetic engeneering, does that mean we should close CERN or various genetic labs across the little rock we call the Earth? After all why would you give those guys the benefit of the doubt when you can't make any sense out of it? Just because your highness doesn't understand something it doesn't mean it's BS, it just means - you don't understand it. I'm not saying that Nokia should've put all their eggs in the MeeGo basket and/or gamble their future on it, but your 'arguments' and your uninformed opinion is as valid as of those people that claim the exact opposite -_-