That's the way of things in computing & programming. You learn one system, then you find that you have to learn a different one. I started out on Informix, then had to learn Sybase and then MS.SQl Server, and then had to learn Oracle. Once you learn the basics of how databases work, how SQL works, and how client-server applications work, you soon learn how to transfer your skills. Ditto with OS's. I had to learn SCO V, then NT3.5 & 4, then Novell Netware, then vanilla SVR4, then Ultrix, OSF & VMS, then HP.UX, then Sun Solaris, then XP, and eventually Linux (Debian & Ubuntu). I learned a few scripting & programming languages along the way - which depended on what the job I was doing required. They are just tools to allow you do a job for somebody, and if the tool you are using isn't doing the job, you learn how to use a new tool. That's life. Mish.