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Originally Posted by Capt'n Corrupt View Post
Good question, no idea.

I recall reading that it supports the WiiMote and ZeeMote, so I suppose there is hope.
Careful--if you're using Samsung's TouchWiz (which we all got with the Tab as the default launcher), they won't work. I tried installing Wiimote support on my Droid and on my Galaxy Tab--works GREAT on my Droid, NOTHING worked on my Galaxy Tab (and the Market listing for them do point out that problem). I suspect that problem goes away if you replace the OS with CyanogenMod. Not sure if it works with just replacing the launcher. I'll have to try it again sometime when I'm bored.

Originally Posted by imperiallight View Post
I have joined the Tab ranks and loving it!!
Welcome to the Android army, imperiallight! We've been waiting for you.

Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
Out of curiosity does anyone know why cyanogenmod is not available for the Tab (according to the list of supported devices on their site) but it is available for Nook? Is it cause Nook is far more widely available (in the US at least) or the Tab is just more difficult to mod?
It is--it's just in beta. Although, in general, the Galaxy Tab is a weird one to do ROM hacking with because of all the variations (and model numbers) for this device. i.e. The US devices are somewhat different than the Euro ones and then even just within the US, the AT&T is slightly different from the T-Mobile one and both of those are VERY different from the Verizon one.

The Nook, on the other hand, only really has two variations--both the same actual HARDWARE... the only difference being the firmware versions. In EITHER case, it's trivial to just boot an SD image before ANYTHING from the eMMC (built-in firmware memory) gets loaded... this makes it OH MY GOD such a lovely, delightful goddam thing to hack. OH.. MY.. GOD easy. And because of that one property in addition to only one revision of HARDWARE, you only need one image to suit all those devices.

Originally Posted by lardman View Post
Probably that the Nook is quite cheap to buy, while the Tab is quite dear.
I have both--I can tell you that the Tab is worth every single individual piece of currency you spend on it. The Nook is VERY VERY hackable and very nice in its own rights--but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone as an Android tablet. It's pretty crippled as one (lacks the hardware buttons, for example.. no GPS.. etc).

Originally Posted by Capt'n Corrupt View Post
Let me ask you all a question:

After months and months with your Tabs, are you sold on the 7" screen size, or are there times you would prefer to have something larger (eg 9.7-10.1")?

I'm very interested in your responses!
Originally Posted by imperiallight View Post
Its light in one hand and pocketable, if I want anything larger I would use my desktop.
imperiallight stated for me quite perfectly.

Originally Posted by GeraldKo View Post
Today there's a Color Nook deal (new) on eBay for $200 (with use of a coupon code). Your bro might be interested. I'm tempted myself. How is the Color Nook for playing movies and for web browsing? Can it be hacked such that the Google apps, Evernote, etc. can be installed? (I'm asking for myself, and I don't need games, just the stuff that the N800 can do but quicker and more smoothly. And better integration for PIM-type stuff.)
Originally Posted by Snoshrk View Post
& Me!!!!

I love my N800 but she's getting a little long in the tooth....

PS My wife actively pulls me away from the local USCellular location where I play with / drool over the Tab.... can't quite bring myself to commit to the cost plus the data plan.... the Nook however is sorely tempting at less than 1/2 the cost of the Tab.
There isn't much effort at all involved in installing Google apps on the device. It works great--but remember, it's Wifi only. Also, remember that it was intended as a book reader so it really lacks a lot of memory for apps and stuff. It's a GREAT hacking device, but as I'd mentioned earlier, it's a very crippled Android tablet. Hell--I still struggle to find a graceful way to exit Angry Birds or even a video playing full screen (since there's no back button on the device and a full-screen app hides all the hacked Android button widgets). If you're going to spend the money on something to replace the N800, get a tablet blessed by the Google Experience.

Originally Posted by crasbelize View Post
Hey Guys: I need some help.
I am doing a presentation on Android 2.2 power management in class next week.

Is there a site that explain this in plain english....and the battery in my tablet......where can I find some information that explains how I could play hours of HD games...listen to music videos....and still have a reserve battery power?

Thanks in advance.
Hmm... I don't have anything useful for you right now--but I'll probably come back another time with something handy. In the meantime, and I know this will totally "blow your mind." Have you tried searching for that info on Google?
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

Last edited by danramos; 2011-03-01 at 10:55. Reason: Grammar correections

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