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Posts: 13 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Jan 2011 @ Russia, Saint-Petersburg
I have had a dream, opera mini on the n900.
And three brave Russian guy helped me realize my dream (ŠS0d
ŽAle}{(is) ŽVoobsche).
They wrote an intermediate proxy server (on python) that can connect to the opera mini server, and minimize traffic.

Here's a quick tutorial:
1) Download the OMPD - tHE oPERA mINI Proxy (python 2.5 required)

2) Unpack archive anywhere.

3) Run server with command: python ./ompd.pyc -d (without gainroot)

4) Go on localchost:8080 Check availability, make the necessary adjustments.

5) Go to the "expensive" connection settings(setting>>internet connections>>connections>>"expensive" connection>> edit >>next>>next>>advanced>>proxies), GPRS in my case, and and in the Http proxy enter: port 8080

6) All your browsers will work through operamini proxy (Opera Mobile and MicroB works fine, others not tested)
and you have the cache


Everyone a good day!

OPMD-proxy official source

Google and this post screenshots (MicroB)

Last edited by eVrajka; 2011-03-02 at 20:06. Reason: add screenshots

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