Just checked, my subversion is segfaulting too. libaprutil1 is at version 1.3.9+dfsg-5~bpo50+1maemo2. For those for whom it is working, what repos do you have enabled? I had Extras, Testing, and Devel enabled, when I first installed it. Currently I have Devel, SDK, and (SDK) Tools enabled. (I turned off Extras and Testing because A: I don't think there's anything in those two that isn't in Devel at a higher version, and you always get devel versions anyway; B: not having Extras and Testing enabled when you have Devel on makes the entire update process extremely fast in comparison to having both of them on as well as devel.) I'll see if I can dig up a lower version of libaprutil1 to test with.
deb https://downloads.maemo.nokia.com/fremantle/ssu/apps/ ./ deb https://downloads.maemo.nokia.com/fremantle/ssu/mr0 ./ deb https://downloads.maemo.nokia.com/fremantle1.2/ovi/ ./ deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ fremantle-1.3 free non-free deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ fremantle free non-free deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras-testing/ fremantle free non-free deb http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel/ fremantle-1.3 free non-free deb https://downloads.maemo.nokia.com/fremantle/apps/ ./ deb http://moff.mozilla.com/latest-beta/maemo/multi/ fremantle release