etc/conky # conky Conky: Can't load configfile '/home/user/MyDocs/conkyHeadline.conf'. Conky: Can't load configfile '/etc/conky/conkyHeadline.conf'. Conky: Can't load configfile '/home/user/MyDocs/conkyKernel.conf'. Conky: Can't load configfile '/etc/conky/conkyKernel.conf'. Conky: Can't load configfile '/home/user/MyDocs/conkyNetwork.conf'. Conky: Can't load configfile '/etc/conky/conkyNetwork.conf'. Conky: desktop window (1a03a6f) is subwindow of root window (44) Conky: drawing to desktop window Conky: drawing to single buffer Conky: can't load font '6x10' ^CConky: received SIGINT or SIGTERM to terminate. bye! /etc/conky # ls conky.conf conkyL3.conf.dpkg-new conkyHeadline.conf.dpkg-new conkyL4.conf.dpkg-new conkyKernel.conf.dpkg-new conkyLS.conf.dpkg-new conkyL1.conf.dpkg-new conkyNetwork.conf.dpkg-new conkyL2.conf.dpkg-new conky_no_x11.conf /etc/conky # /opt/usr/bin/ConkyLayoutSwitcher Maemo applications must be run with the script! QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme. Cannot open file '/etc/conky/conkylayoutswitcher.svg', because: No such file or directory Cannot open file '/etc/conky/conkylayoutswitcher.svg', because: No such file or directory 1Writing File ConkyLS.enabledWriting File uintervalWriting File conkyUpdateInterval.inclWriting File conkyUpdateTime.inclWriting File LS conky LS /etc/conky #