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Posts: 805 | Thanked: 1,605 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Gdynia, Poland
Ok, as I'm learning python, I just tried to write it. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK

sudo gainroot
apt-get install wget
Wait for it to finish running and then reboot your phone.

I tried to keep all other alarms (calendar, and possibly other).

If it failed and after reboot you notice problems or alarms from calendar disappeared, my script made a copy, so you can restore it:
Open terminal and paste this:
sudo gainroot
cp /home/user/MyDocs/alarm_queue.copy.ini /var/cache/alarmd/alarm_queue.ini
And reboot once again.

If everything is fine, open file manager (from applications menu), select "N900" memory and delete alarm_queue.copy.ini file from your internal storage.

The source of script is as follows (if anyone is interested):
import os
import shutil
# file names
filename1 = '/var/cache/alarmd/alarm_queue.ini'
filename2 = '/home/user/MyDocs/alarm_queue.copy.ini'
# make a copy
shutil.copy(filename1, filename2)
# open files
f1 = open(filename2, 'r')
f2 = open(filename1, 'w')
# read file 1
f1lines = f1.readlines()
# write first 3 lines
f2.write(f1lines[0] + f1lines[1] + f1lines[2])
tmp = []
howMany1 = 0
howMany2 = 0
# do the magic
for i in range(3, len(f1lines)):
    # empty lines indicate ends of single alarms
    if len(f1lines[i]) < 2:
        foundosso = False
        foundcalendar = False
        howMany1 = howMany1 + 1
        # check if there are these two specific lines in alarm description
        for j in range(0, len(tmp)):
            if tmp[j] == 'attr0.attr_data.sval: osso-clock\n':
                foundosso = True
            if tmp[j] == 'action1.dbus_interface:\n':
                foundcalendar = True
        # if it is osso-clock and not calendar, do nothing, if else write to new file
        if not(foundosso and not(foundcalendar)):
            for k in range(0, len(tmp)):
            howMany2 = howMany2 + 1
        tmp = None
        tmp = []
print 'Done'
print 'Total alarms found: ' + str(howMany1)
print 'Alarms removed: ' + str(howMany2)
print '(Rest of alarms is from calendar etc., I tried to keep them)'
print 'Please reboot your phone now'

Last edited by misiak; 2011-04-23 at 23:39. Reason: added code

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