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Posts: 27 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Mar 2010
I recently discovered that saving link with "Add to home screen" in web browser produces far worse icon than it used to due to some change in Diaspora. If anyone misses the older version of the icon I dug it up, I think it is much prettier.

I created two versions of the icon, one with text under the logo, one without. Attached is the Inkscape svg file and few color background variants. You can create more colors with the svg. The logo itself is bitmap not a vector image, but it has high enough resolution.
If you have not, check out this great program, you can run it on Raspberry Pi with ArkOS for example. It also works nicely with the Feeds application on N9.

Feel free to post your icons, but please try to adhere to the Harmattan UI guidlines.

updated Wallabag icon to version 2
Attached Images
Attached Files
File Type: tar wallabag-SVG-v2.tar (90.0 KB, 121 views)

Last edited by bng; 2014-09-22 at 23:47.
chenliangchen's Avatar
Posts: 1,478 | Thanked: 9,871 times | Joined on Dec 2008 @ Shanghai / London
Some suggestions to make them looks better:

- The central graph on the first icon can be reduced a bit?

- Second and third: The middle graph is missing shadows underneath. Seems the graph is not vector but png?
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Mar 2010
- The first icon is not mine, it is generated by grob.

- By middle graph do yow mean the "w"? The whole logo shape is a png with no shadow, I will add some shadow to them.
Posts: 27 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Mar 2010
does it look better?

harmattan, icons

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