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Poll: Would you buy an N10 with the above spec?
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Would you buy an N10 with the above spec?

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Posts: 1,746 | Thanked: 1,832 times | Joined on Dec 2010
i don't care what people say, this thing is beautiful, I received it this morning and I can't stop looking at it, yes there is lag here and there, and that's with a full reflash emmc and all, but I don't care because find me a phone that's never lagged and don't even mention the S2 because boy can that lag. my only annoyance is am going to have to cut my sim to a microsim.

yes my n900 will always be with me, I don't feel like am replacing it, it'll be were am going, with two devices, I shouldn't be all over the place for battery life and what not

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zdanee's Avatar
Posts: 311 | Thanked: 376 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Hungary
Would consider, but
- instead of 480x800 @ 4.3" I would prefer a 540x960 @ 3.7"-4.1" (also absolutely no PenTile allowed in my house. Seriously, I would make you drop your phone in the trash before you can come in)
- Big battery! And swappable! 1700mAh - 2000 mAh
- I still prefer Fremantle to Harmattan, so a less "Androidy" Maemo please.
- Open bootloader is a must.
- A drop of blood from Elop in the package drained by rabid badgers. He made us suffer, so he shall feel pain too!
- Reasonable price. You can sell an iPhone way overpriced, because it would sell even if you demand an arm, a leg and the soul in the contract. Nokia won't sell even if you include an arm a leg and a wandering soul in a bottle, because it is not an iPhone.
- Android emulation would be nice too.

Last edited by zdanee; 2012-06-11 at 16:36.
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Oct 2011
My requirements list to buy another phone now:

1) High-res screen. No more sub-million-pixels BS. Apple's throwing their Retina screens around a lot and they are undeniably beautiful. Nokia needs to do the same.
2) PureView
3) Thick and heavy. Because of a ridiculously big battery. I'd much rather have a brick in my pocket that doesn't have to be recharged for a week on heavy use or a month on light use than something I need to recharge every day. I miss the old battery life we used to find.
4) MeeGo/Tizen. Because WP is closed and forces me to buy into the MS ecosystem. Because iOS forces me to buy into the Apple ecosystem. Because Android was built by shameless Google drones who take no pride in their work and needs to be build back from the ground up.
5) A kickstand. Because while I'm not sold on physical keyboards, I am sold on Bluetooth keyboards.
6) 5" screen. Smaller screens are for pussies. 'Nuff said.
7) More console tools out of the box. I may not get kernel-level access with MeeGo but I want VIM and Mosh clients.

If I'm going to buy a flagship phone then by God I want to buy a damn flagship phone.
Posts: 216 | Thanked: 81 times | Joined on Mar 2012 @ Mars

-4.5 to 4.8 inch will be nice
-quad core processor :P
-2gb ram
-Battery to last for a day
-Meego And Android (comes with dualboot)

Hahahaha,this will only be a dream,nvr will come true :P

King of all phones :P
Posts: 79 | Thanked: 64 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Pordenone
only a few option:
RAM must be 1.5 Gb unless (n9 spend 700Mb for UI only)
12MP obviously like N8
battery must be major than 1850mAh and if possible not Litio battery but Li-PO battery like iPhone
and the physical keyboard is the best thing
so u can write in all the screen cause QWERTY steal pixel
from UI and empty half the screen background

OS: MeeGo default obviously cause the swipe system open source is the best way for quick input interface
no WINDOWS if possible

i can spend also 800euro for this
PMaff's Avatar
Posts: 361 | Thanked: 219 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Originally Posted by 7SAN9 View Post
No, I'm looking 4 the ultimate MeeGo like:
  • 4.5nch AMOLED screen (Gorilla Glass, 720 x 1280)
  • 1.5GHz Dual Core Processor
  • 1.5GB RAM
  • 41MP PureView camera
  • WhatsApp
Camera should be less bulky than Nokia 808 Pureview
or include keyboard like N900.

What I would like:
- lense cover like the N900
-USB 3.0 (also make external USB disks usable!).
-keyboard. (maybe the bulk faktor can be combined with Pureview)
-battery must be replaceable (maybe the bulk faktor can be
combined with Pureview)
-standard connectors for charging (like N900 now, but with
better build quality)
-MeeGo or Maemo successor
-xterm, root access with real root account
-compass, better GPS, gyro
-LTE, all WLAN, Bluetooth
-HD video with Pureview?
-SD card to the max

800EUR would be ok then.

Nokia, please build this and you will get No 1 again!

Last edited by PMaff; 2012-07-30 at 15:01.

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