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I've read the manual, and I've tried all sorts of button combinations, but I can't figure out a way to access the main application menus (the left-most column) without the stylus.

I know I can access the task list by holding down the Home button (a little counter-intuitive, but I don't mind), which gives me access to currently-running applications, but how do I _start_ an application without using the stylus?

Similarly, is there a way to navigate around the Hildon Home areas (the News, Internet radio, "Nokia: Connecting People", and clock applets) without using the styles? I can sort of work the Internet radio applet with the directional pad, but I have to select it with the stylus first, and after that, switching between the combo box and the buttons (with the directional buttons) changes my combo box selection for some strange reason.

Anybody have any tips for sylus-less operation?

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