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Posts: 543 | Thanked: 151 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Germany
I followed the tutorials / and got the network itself running. The problem is the "USB router" part which works only in a quite complicated way.

I did it in the following order...

1. Start up "Mad developer" (Installed drivers on Win7) , select "USB networking" and "Windows network" afterwards. Without this step my NB is not detecting the USB network device at all. Afterwards I have always a working USB network connection and can connect for example via SSH to the phone.

2. Change the IP from to in /etc/network/interfaces else the last command of step 3 will defiantly fail even if I change the number in that cmd to .2!

3. Then I disconnect the device, use "ifdown usb0" and "ifconfig usb0 down" ... and write the followings cmds:
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o gprs0 -j MASQUERADE
ifup usb0
dnsmasq -I lo -z -a -F,
It executes in general all cmds fine but the last one, there I get often the annoying error "dnsmasq: failed to bind listening socket for Address already in use" and need to start all over again.

4. Enjoy stable / fast internet and no battery issues, in general way faster and more stable than Joikuspot / Mobilehotspot.

Are there any easier ways to share the WLAN/3G connection of the phone via USB for Win7? How can I avoid the "dnsmasq" issue or prevent that "Mad developer" will block the IP for "dnsmasq" once I set it to "Windows network"?
Posts: 543 | Thanked: 151 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Germany
Nobody has an idea how to solve my issues?
Raimu's Avatar
Posts: 139 | Thanked: 181 times | Joined on Nov 2011 @ Oulu, Finland
Have patience. Someone who knows the subject will likely read your question in the near future.
Raimu's Avatar
Posts: 139 | Thanked: 181 times | Joined on Nov 2011 @ Oulu, Finland
Darn, low on answers. You could try making a new thread with the subject title line starting with "[Help request]".

networking, router

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