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Just because something will not count with nokia awards does not mean that it automagically counts for CA... yeah nice to have overclocking... made DocScrutinizer, myself and many others help people with borked devices in #maemo... someone then edited the channel topic stating if there is someone with overclocking, kernelpower or $few-other-things, reflash and come back again... for KP this may have changed...

EDIT: Well, it helped the community at the point of there were constantly people on #maemo whom never see IRC if not adding extras-devel to their repository as some devel/advanced user proposed on tmo without warning.

Last edited by chemist; 2012-06-01 at 18:14.
Posts: 1,680 | Thanked: 3,685 times | Joined on Jan 2011
I think chemist has made a very good point. Allow me to phrase it a little more bluntly.

The winners of the various coding competitions want a device to code their appz on.

The entraints to the CA are maemo enthusiasts who would trade their left nut for an N950.

Make enquiries as to changing the CA prizes to the N950s and the coding prizes to N9s.

Afterall, an N950 is no substitute for an N9 when coding for an N9 right?
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Originally Posted by chemist View Post
Just because something will not count with nokia awards does not mean that it automagically counts for CA... yeah nice to have overclocking... made DocScrutinizer, myself and many others help people with borked devices in #maemo... someone then edited the channel topic stating if there is someone with overclocking, kernelpower or $few-other-things, reflash and come back again... for KP this may have changed...

EDIT: Well, it helped the community at the point of there were constantly people on #maemo whom never see IRC if not adding extras-devel to their repository as some devel/advanced user proposed on tmo without warning.
That some people don't handle powerful tools such as overclocking apps with caution isn't a reason not to recognize their developers' work. Ideally, the awards should recognize those whose work has made an impact, without regard to Nokia's policies and the Ovi Store.

If anything, users flooding IRC with overclocking problems, as obnoxious as it may be, is probably proof that there is an impact. (Mind you, I'm not so sure writing overclocking software merits an award, but it shouldn't knock someone out of the running either)

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Originally Posted by chemist View Post
you are in the position to talk with someone who has the power to swap devices from the other categories to CA, one job of your new position!)
Tried that already - see mailing list archives. Besides that, +1 to what lma is saying.

Side note, but funny thing:
When chanop on #maemo is going psycho, and locks factoids against edits + decline to change info about TMO - set by some idiot to "tmo is, or trolls, m|o|r|o|n|s, oxen" - You try to convince me, that childlish, non- responsible channel moderators, on official #maemo channel, isn't anything, that Council is eligible to take action about.

Then, when Nokia make 2 programs absolutely not related to Council (and, in fact, to, You're telling me that it's my duty to talk with them about it.



// Edit

Originally Posted by chemist View Post
yeah nice to have overclocking... made DocScrutinizer, myself and many others help people with borked devices in #maemo... someone then edited the channel topic stating if there is someone with overclocking, kernelpower or $few-other-things, reflash and come back again... for KP this may have changed...
Yea, that's your great deal of participating in spreading FUD, as there is no *single* confirmed damage to any N900 due to overclocking. in 995 of cases, any problems are related to user-error or software installed, another 1% just don't answer back.

Still, You were spreading FUD's up to current day - we had "sharp" discussion about it few days ago, haven't we?

anyway, it's again gone too much off-topic. Please, stay on target.

// Edit 2

vi_, there is no way to move N950's from other categories to Community Awards. This was official answer from qgil

Furthermore, Coding Competition had priority over other categories when picking devices they like to have as awards - only due to good will of CC organizers, they're using fair share of 1/4 pool. Technically, if they would want whole lot of N950's they would get it.

Unfortunately, Council doesn't have any impact on those rules, made by Nokia. But, to be fair - they were not obliged to give us *any* devices, so lets use what we have in best possible way.
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Last edited by Estel; 2012-06-01 at 22:20.

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Errm what's happening here, things seem to be getting rather heated
We don't know for sure that none of the aforementioned contributions won't qualify for the Coding Comp w/a little arm twisting.
I can't imagine it being possible for any of them to be made more palatable for the Nokia Store or Qt5 comp, but who knows.
I guess it's up to the respective parties to try their luck in the submission process for all four categories.
I just hope they're all aware now & having a go with every category, so that everyone has the best chance possible.

Originally Posted by chemist View Post
There is no channel more appropriate than the mailinglist. Full-stop!
TMO is not but used by its members. (thought I did not need to elaborate this as it is widely known). Do you want to use the garage system or even bugzilla for this or maybe #maemo?
Stop it now!
You seem to have missed the point that I, ima, & others have tried to make here...
If the longer-term aspiration is to have far wider community involvement when it comes to such evaluations, then a mail-list isn't the best mechanism.
It doesn't bother me either way, we're just putting it out there for future considerations, again not for this thread ofc.

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Furthermore, Coding Competition had priority over other categories when picking devices they like to have as awards - only due to good will of CC organizers, they're using fair share of 1/4 pool. Technically, if they would want whole lot of N950's they would get it.
Unfortunately, Council doesn't have any impact on those rules, made by Nokia. But, to be fair - they were not obliged to give us *any* devices, so lets use what we have in best possible way.
TBH I don't understand why they're distributing them at all this time...
It should've just been all N9's, it'd get rid of 99% of the silly debates...
Not long after the the last CDP QGil was talking about a successor program that would be all N9's.
Partly for that reason.....

Last edited by jalyst; 2012-06-02 at 13:58. Reason: typo

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A second batch of submissions has been discarded. Remember that submissions will be accepted only until June 17th (23:59 UTC).

Thanks to all for participating and thanks for your contributions to this community.

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The time for submissions has passed. Please stay tuned to know the final winners.

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Congratulations to all winners!

There is a final result, please check the Wiki list.

In order to receive the prize, it's mandatory that all awarded create an account at Nokia Developers. Once created, you need to add your postal information to your profile (otherwise Nokia won't know where to send the device).

Then we need to know your Nokia Developer ID (the login name at Nokia Developers that you have created). All the winners will receive a notification email, please respond to including the following data:
- Full name
- ID at Nokia Developers
- email address.

Please send this data before next Monday, June 25th, as we need to provide the full list to Nokia to start sending the devices.

Thanks to everyone for participating and for your contributions to We will need you more than ever in the following months, please keep your level of involvement with the community.

Last edited by ivgalvez; 2012-06-20 at 18:09.

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