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, 13:26
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@ Czech Republic
10. mount -t jffs2 -o ro /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/jffs2/
>>>>>>>>> problem: get the following error message
mount: mount point /mnt/jffs2/ does not exist
STEP 10 is where it started failing... couldn't create the mount point. Is that because I'm on a LiveCD or something else?
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, 17:57
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Joined on Apr 2008
@ Ontario, Canada
Why you couldn't create the mount point? mkdir /mnt/jffs2 should do it. Mount needs existing directory. Or maybe you are not root? You can use any other mount point in some writable directory like mkdir /tmp/whatever.
mount: special device /dev/mtdblock0 does not exist
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, 04:08
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@ Ontario, Canada
modprobe block2mtd block2mtd=/dev/loop1,131072
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, 05:45
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Joined on Apr 2008
@ Ontario, Canada
Problem is, I can't mount the jffs2 for some reason to restore my N800.
1. downloaded flasher-3, diablo ARM binary,
2. ./flasher-3.0 --set-root-device mmc
3. ./flasher-3.0 -u -F diablo_ARM.bin
>>>> already done these, and the rootfs.jffs2 and flasher file are sitting on the Windows partition of the hard drive (NTFS)
- I boot the Ubuntu 8.10 Live CD, then copy flasher and rootfs.jffs2 to the desktop, open a terminal and CD to Desktop (tried it to the hard drive to, same thing)
- Insert my SD card-reader, and it automounts on /media/disk
4. sudo su
5. losetup -f
>>>>> responded with loop1
6. losetup /dev/loop1 rootfs.jffs2
7. modprobe block2mtd block2mtd=/dev/loop1,131072
8. modprobe jffs2
9. modprobe mtdblock
10. mount -t jffs2 -o ro /dev/mtdblock0 /mnt/jffs2/
>>>>>>>>> problem: get the following error message
mount: mount point /mnt/jffs2/ does not exist
>>>> before, I continued with the following
11. cd /mnt/jffs2
then chmod -R ugo+rwx .
12. tar -cf - -C /mnt/jffs2 . | tar -xvf - -C /media/disk
>>> had to add the "-" on the second tar or it failed all the time
13. then finished off with
cd /media/disk
chmod -R ugo+rwx .
cd /etc
chmod 0440 sudoers
>>> sudoers had to be 0440 or nothing would save, made the theme look very odd.
STEP 10 is where it started failing... couldn't create the mount point. Is that because I'm on a LiveCD or something else? The SD cards mount fine, as do CDs.
Confused here!