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woody14619's Avatar
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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
it wasn't the differences that put me off.
it is the fact that Woody, no matter that he is currently one of the most dedicated member of the Community, is perfectly unable to admit that he did or said something wrong.
or, even worth, that someone may have a different opinion then his own.
And what exactly was it I had wrong? I should have what? Said nothing? Let everything meander along, and allow a misinterpretation to guide the Council into oblivion?

Reality is we were in agreement on the topic that was being argued about. The one person continually saying he disagreed kept leaving the conversation before anyone could inform him of that fact. Mainly because he's got a stick up his ąss over the names of things, because *my bad*: I didn't put the word "Community" in the name of something 9 months ago when he (and most of the rest of you) weren't giving a f*** about bylaws, or the future of the community.

Originally Posted by misterc View Post
that's definitely not someone i want to work with leave alone entrust my money to, no f#ing way...
Yes, because I've been so untrustworthy to this point. The only Council not to award themselves a device as part of CA. The single person who donated ALL the funds to not only setup this stupid shell corp, needed to get what the community has to have to keep running, but also the funds to pay for the vBuletin license for the board you're now using to smearing me.

Nope.. can't trust that greedy f*** with money. Never mind I have all the info I need right now (as Board) to go pull every penny of it out of the bank if I wanted to. And the PayPal account, for that matter.

Not to mention the countless hours of dealing with crafting ByLaws to fit the communities desires, and pushing to hold an election for those positions, instead of just putting what and who Rob wanted in place from the get go via fiat.

Remember back when you were sane, and Estel was trashing me for being the bad guy, trying to "elevate powers" to take over everything. There was a person pushing for that: Rob. The one fighting against it? ME. You think you're screwed with how the Bylaws are now? You have no idea. You could have, if you followed meeting minutes, or the like. But then nobody did, nor will probably care enough to go look it up.

Originally Posted by misterc View Post
in a Council, Board of Directors or even in a public meeting, that's an unacceptable behaviour.
in a government, that amounts pretty much to deporting ppl.
@ best...

Friday's meeting was a painful illustration of that.
That's fixable... No worries. You see, I'm not Council. I was there because I was asked by Council to attend, and because frankly, I gave a f***. (Note the tense.) Do you see any other past Council at the meetings? Not even the past Council elected/appointed in were showing up! And you show up to two meetings a year and think you know all of what's going on because of it?

In fact, I'm right at the edge of pretty much saying f*** all of you. F*** fighting to get elections on HiFo going. F*** going up against the faux-lawyer, who will drag this out via the "letter of the law", against what the community wants. F*** urging Council to actually do something that can help push that into happening. F*** fixing your damn infrastructure and/or getting it to the point you can even hold a damn election again.

I got a full life oustide of this, and have things I should be doing besides being here fixing your damn problems. I'm spending my personal time and effort to try to keep this whole thing from pulling an OpenMoko, and get nothing but people pissing on me.

You want to handle HiFo on your own? Go nuts. Want to not have someone pointing out reality at meetings? Done, enjoy your fairytale world. Not "misrepresenting" you over stupid unimportant crap? You got it.

I won't be surprised when the repos go out. Won't affect my life all that much at all. You're not the only ąsshat with a backup of the device images and repos.
Maemo Council Member: May 2012 - November 2012
Hildon Foundation founding member.
Hildon Foundation Board of Directors: March 2013 - Jan 15, 2014

Last edited by thedead1440; 2013-03-18 at 18:15. Reason: f***! why make our job harder when you can self-censor?

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Seeing as we are entering shi*-storm stage, as usual over minor disagreements, a warning here to keep posts on-topic.

Woody and misterc go and settle your disagreements with each other over PM, beer whatever but don't derail this thread for your churlish arguments when both of you essentially mean the same thing! If the two of you still want to argue publicly then go set-up a thread titled "Council meeting on $DATE" and nobody would stop the two of you.

Last edited by thedead1440; 2013-03-18 at 18:35.

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I kinda have enough about those whining 'kids'....
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Great to see things are as always

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misterc's Avatar
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Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post
Seeing as we are entering shi*-storm stage, as usual over minor disagreements, a warning here to keep posts on-topic.

Woody and misterc go and settle your disagreements with each other over PM, beer whatever but don't derail this thread for your churlish arguments when both of you essentially mean the same thing! If the two of you still want to argue publicly then go set-up a thread titled "Council meeting on $DATE" and nobody would stop the two of you.
fine, i'll leave it up to Woody to either start a new thread or any other mean of communication he deems appropriate.
however (!)
i will not bother chitchatting about who paid or did pr partake what, when or where.
this is about my impression that Woody is just as bad as Rob or Joerg. in his best intend & believe he may choose to do something which the community feels is wrong.
where it gets a lot worse is that Woody has what i called the pachyderm syndrome. he will stamp the argument until the other party leaves.

over & out

EDIT to thedead1440: this IS relevant to this thread. Woody is candidate to the Board and i think members have to be aware of this trait of his personality.
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

Last edited by misterc; 2013-03-19 at 06:14.
Dave999's Avatar
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Tell me when the new thread is up and running. I have some disagreeing to do.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

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joerg_rw's Avatar
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Originally Posted by woody14619 View Post
Reality is we were in agreement on the topic that was being argued about. The one person continually saying he disagreed kept leaving the conversation before anyone could inform him of that fact. Mainly because he's got a stick up his ąss over the names of things, because *my bad*: I didn't put the word "Community" in the name of something 9 months ago when he (and most of the rest of you) weren't giving a f*** about bylaws, or the future of the community.
Now please reconsider and re-read the meeting's chanlog! >:-(
A) I didn't disagree about anything continually!
B) I mentioned that there's no way council could simply abolish own Maemo Community Council rules, since those are writen in stone and can only get changed or abolished by a referendum, which finally *you* seem to have agreed upon after you called me names and blamed me for delaying things. I'm sorry I have to delay things when MCC rules force me to do so, and you *****ing at me for sticking to the rules is not a polite or sane or helpful thing to do.
And you constantly spreading absolutely nonsensical interpretations of what actually happened doesn't help either and leaves my wondering what's wrong with you suddenly.

FOR SURE MY CONCERNS WERE NOT ABOUT NAMES. ABSOLUTELY *NOT*!!! Stop spreading such BS please! When I say I have to obey Maemo Community Council rules, then that's NOT ABOUT the name of your dammit bylaws of HiFo, it's about the fact that there are TWO sets of rules for Council, and you read that as if HiFo bylaws were same thing as MCC rules and I'd just worry about the name of it. Honestly don't you see you're wrong here?

Also please don't state I didn't give a F*** about bylaws 9 months ago. even while you maybe might recollect it that way, I actually read through them several times, and simply had nothing to contribute except a few irrelevant remarks. So honestly what's wrong with you to start such estelesian *****ing here? Please find the "Clear All" key for your current thread in your mind, and start over again building up a new and more to the facts view on things maybe beginning on last Friday 1500CET.


PS: your "ragequit" above is quite interesting, given the fact that you joined the show ~1 week ago after a 4 months of holiday, while I anounced same ragequit or rather burnout already 3 weeks ago and last meeting didn't help *my* motivation to continue all this either. You're not the only one here who has a RL besides all this annoying shite with maemo here.

Do you see any other past Council at the meetings? Not even the past Council elected/appointed in were showing up!
What? Result of writing posts in a frency? You don't help discussion by mixing MC council and HiFo BoD. Or did you indeed mean "past councilors"? Like e.g. General antilles.
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Last edited by joerg_rw; 2013-03-19 at 13:52.

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Since this thread has served his purpose i.e. its been decided that there will be a re-election for the BoD of HiFo, this thread closing is the most sensible solution.


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