maemo-statusbar-usbnet hardcodes the path to g_ether.ko, to include the kernel version. If you install it on OS 2007 Hacker Edition for the N770, then it gets the wrong kernel version and is essentially useless.
I was able to hack it using a hex-editor to change the path to /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/g_ether.ko. Since maemo-statusbar-usbnet is supposedly free software, I'd like to make the fix approprately in the source code(and report the bug appropriately). I couldn't figure out what source package to use. Does anybody know?
I was able to hack it using a hex-editor to change the path to /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/g_ether.ko. Since maemo-statusbar-usbnet is supposedly free software, I'd like to make the fix approprately in the source code(and report the bug appropriately). I couldn't figure out what source package to use. Does anybody know?