, 14:35
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@ Montclair, NJ (NYC suburbs)
, 22:08
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@ Vienna, Austria
It shouldn't be too difficult to port Thumbtribes from the Neo1973 once it's complete (Insofar as it will already be aimed at a small device running linux). Was just reading about it this morning and thought it would be relevant here:
(These are a long watch, so be prepared)
, 20:04
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@ Detroit
, 09:24
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If we don't think in terms of bringing web content to people, but rather what a bunch of people with GPS and mobile internet devices can do, we end up with not a program, but a protocol.
Think of something like TeamSpeak/RogerWilco/name your user-hosted chat service here but with GPS:
You actively connect to a server using a standard protocol (encryption is optional for servers, but mandatory for clients), and the service's job is to share information about you (GPS location primarily, secondarily a profile) to those on the server, and facilitate client-to-group and client-to-individual text, image, voice and POI transmissions.
The frequency and features that you make available depend on the application. For a "21st-century CB Radio" application, for example, you might have each client send a GPS update every minute, POIs used for hazards (e.g., dangerous laser and radar emitters), and voice channels on location and direction. Imagine a massive search-and-rescue operation, where someone in a control center could see instantly where every group was, and could call up imagery, and all this with technology that costs a fraction of existing systems. Or for any number of other applications, including the ones in the blog post.