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is Nokia not being afraid to be accused of dumping price policy practices under WTO Agreement, charging a much lower price for a good in a foreign market than one charged for the same good in a domestic market (i.e. EU)
in competition with iPod touch by Apple ?

I got recently my 8G iPod touch and still wonder why should I pay twice its price for N810 in EU.

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Posts: 1,107 | Thanked: 720 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Germany
As far as I can tell, consumer electronics goods in europe are generally more expensive. Some of this may be due to stronger consumer protection laws, such as return/warranty minimums. Other reasons would be higher reseller margins to cover higher sales tax (15-22%), transportation fuel cost (150-250%), import tarrifs (?) and wages (?).

The price difference is much different for some products than for others. You can compare N800 prices between and for an example. A commodity item like a hard drive shows less of a spread.

It seems like european companies are selling at lower margins in the USA to compensate for the extremely weak dollar. The Federal Reserve Bank and Treasury Department are listing inflation at ~2%, which is a fraud. Real M3 monetary supply growth is tracking 14% per annum right now (, and the US Dollar is beginning to reflect this extroadinary inflation.

May you live in interesting times...

Last edited by ArnimS; 2007-11-13 at 15:49.

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