, 23:31
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@ Penniless Park, Fla.
thanks benson for putting in the "dot" and thanks linux_author for making it in the first place. I took me an hour but it's the first time i've used awk so it was fun.
, 03:43
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, 04:35
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@ San Jose CA
How do I launch it from the folder location or do I need to have the desktop applet/icon running?
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, 03:23
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, 15:58
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Joined on Oct 2007
whats the difference between the original script and this one below in terms of getting this one operating? Are they interchangeable or do I need to modify something....
Also, whats the N800's equivalent editor to Vi for Xterm?
, 16:26
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/sbin/ifconfig |sed s/wlan/w-lan/| awk '/^[^ ]/ {interf = $1} /inet addr:/ {print interf", I P is ,:"$2}'|grep -v|cut -d: -f1,3| awk -F: '{ {a = " "} {for (i = 1; i <= length($2); i++) {a = (a (substr($2,i,1) " " )) }} {print ($1 a)} } ' |awk -F. '{print $1", dot "$2", dot "$3", dot "$4}' | flite
thanks benson for putting in the "dot" and thanks linux_author for making it in the first place. I took me an hour but it's the first time i've used awk so it was fun.