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stevecrye's Avatar
Posts: 226 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on May 2008 @ Texas/Earth/Sol System/Milky Way/Local Group/Hubble Bubble/Infinity

I spend several hours today and yesterday hunting for an answer, including in the wiki. It is probably here, but man, I can't find it. I give up.

The bottom left of the ITT pages have a selector for a look/skin - whatever - for the forum appearance. Classic, n810v2, etc.

I saw that Benson had some custom CSS, but I'm confused about that, or if it will help this problem.

When on my N810, I like to stay in the "mobile" look, it is fast and clean. But, it has no avatars, no lists of the level of a poster (senior, junior, etc.,), and when editing a post, there are no clickable buttons for quote, url, etc. So, I tend to do my looking in mobile and then switch to classic to post.

But, in classic, many links seem dead - Thread Tools, Search This Thread, etc. - when one clicks on them, they highlight, but nothing happens.

Can this be fixed, or is it just life in the NIT world?


Benson's Avatar
Posts: 4,930 | Thanked: 2,272 times | Joined on Oct 2007
They mess with floating divs; they're not horribly reliable, but usually work. Try clicking again a time or two, and sometimes the div pops up halfway down the page, so you have to scroll down after it. That's mainly just life...

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stevecrye's Avatar
Posts: 226 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on May 2008 @ Texas/Earth/Sol System/Milky Way/Local Group/Hubble Bubble/Infinity
Wow.. they are there, just floating randomly!

I wonder how hard it would be to give the 'mobile' view full funtionality, but 100% text.
Perhaps we can pool our $ and pay someone?

Greyghost's Avatar
Posts: 415 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ Austin, Texas
I've heard rumors that Reggie is working on an optimized version of the ITT for the NIT.

Currently, I use the 'Classic' view and often have the problems you describe (links that highlight but don't 'go'; floating windows that fail to work...then just disappear) and have hopes for a text-based version or something that is a little easier to use on the NIT.

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stevecrye's Avatar
Posts: 226 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on May 2008 @ Texas/Earth/Sol System/Milky Way/Local Group/Hubble Bubble/Infinity
Tell Reggie to get a PayPal account and I'll send him some $$ - half now, half after it is working!

(I know that some of the best code is produced for the love of coding and the excitement of the chase, but things of value are also worth paying for).


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