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I'm having problems setting up a Gizmo account on Internet Call. The settings I'm using are as follows:

User name: my
Transport: UDP
Port: 5060
Authentication: Blank
Stun: auto

However, this gives me a connection error and an exclamation mark in the green presence icon.

Can anyone suggest where I'm going wrong?


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Originally Posted by latsot View Post

I'm having problems setting up a Gizmo account on Internet Call. The settings I'm using are as follows:

User name: my
Transport: UDP
Port: 5060
Authentication: Blank
Stun: auto

However, this gives me a connection error and an exclamation mark in the green presence icon.

Can anyone suggest where I'm going wrong?

Under Connection tab put for Outgoing proxy
Under Authentication tab put your Gizmo phone number for user name and your Gizmo password for Password.
Under Stun tab put for stun server

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I've tried all this, but there's no change

It is maddening.

Thanks anyway.

EDIT: looks like the problem is with my network - it works fine over a tethered connection.

Last edited by latsot; 2008-07-07 at 14:36.

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