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Posts: 165 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Actually, I'm considering switching back to Chinook now, too. The browser does indeed seem slower. In fact, the whole OS seems to lag at times, as if the processor and other systems are waiting for the graphics to catch up. The situation with Python now has me afraid to update any Python apps, for fear of breaking Canola, which I can't get through the workday without. After all that, I was still willing to stick with Diablo until I discovered there's a bug in Notes that won't allow it to save blank lines in a .note.html file. That's really the last straw, as I use Notes a lot. I had really high hopes for this release, including the fact that if there were problems they could be fixed without a complete reflash, but when the apps you NEED don't work you have to deal with that. Maybe Nokia will fix Notes soon...

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