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thorbo's Avatar
Posts: 161 | Thanked: 55 times | Joined on Dec 2006 @ SLO, CA; United States
I was wondering if anyone else has had their headphone autosense stop working, and if so, what was the fix. I normally listen to headphones at work, but had not for probably a week. Today I plugged them in, and no love. I have searched for some soft-button to fix the problem, but can't seem to find one, nor can I seem to get the headphones to activate (but the FM radio gets signal, so they are obviously working as an aerial. If anyone has a suggestion I would love to hear it.


thorbo's Avatar
Posts: 161 | Thanked: 55 times | Joined on Dec 2006 @ SLO, CA; United States
Clearly I can't be the only one with this problem, can I?
Posts: 209 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ Fishers, Indiana
I noticed the very same thing recently (n800, Diablo, running latest updates). I had some headphones plugged in and as soon as I removed them it muted the sound for the headphones (I would assume so since I unplugged them) but I got nothing from the speakers. Plugging them back in gave me sound in them, but nothing I could do short of rebooting gave me sound from the speakers. I'm using an A2DP-patched kernel and bluez-utils and I'm wondering if this has caused the problem.

thorbo's Avatar
Posts: 161 | Thanked: 55 times | Joined on Dec 2006 @ SLO, CA; United States
I have Diablo with the latest updates, but not running anything special (did add personal launcher, though). Reboot does not cause any issue, and I have had the advance audio/brightness applet running, but it was there before when things were working. No other funny patches, etc. I do notice that if I start the fm radio the headphones appear for a second, then dim, and I can't make any changes to it.

thorbo's Avatar
Posts: 161 | Thanked: 55 times | Joined on Dec 2006 @ SLO, CA; United States
Ok, weird fix, but after going through all the menu items to find if there was a switch (yes, I did it again), I still could not find one... actually there is one in Kagu Media Player, although that one had been checked before... I did a shut down and removed the battery. Did a restart and mysteriously things worked again. Go figure. Hopefully this will help someone.

Benson's Avatar
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FMRadio is evil... uninstall it, reboot, and all works well. (I had a similar problem in chinook; fmradio was developed when there were two audio outputs, speakers and headset, and just doesn't work right now that there's BT handling in the mix. It gets confused and winds up playing nowhere.)

Mediabox can play FM, and there was another one or two as well. Use one of them instead (and completely uninstall fmradio), and I bet it works. I haven't tried the radio since I went Diablo, though, as I really don't use it, so YMMV.

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