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I have a N800 with battery issues. I have searched the post and nothing seem to apply to my problem.

I had a 770 and the unit would last over 7 days on standby, my new N800 lasts 3 days. I lock the screen whenever is is not in use and I always use Gmail so I don't use the email application on the N800.

I contacted Nokia tech support and I had to buy a new battery (go figure) and that still did not fix it. I paid to send it back to Nokia for repair and they replaced the unit. When I got it back I loaded one program on it, Gnumeric, and I was still getting 3 days battery life. The unit did not feel warm so I don't think it was a CPU issue.

I have two 4 gig SDHC cards, I removed them, I turned off bluetooth and wifi and the unit would still last only 3 days in standby.

I contacted Nokia again they were going to get the unit back but I decided at the last minute that I would try OS 2008 to see if it made a difference. I installed the OS and I have not installed any other programs and I am on my 4th day and the battery icon is still full.

My question is how do you tell what the CPU usage is for each running process? Is there a command, or a program I would have to install?

I am going to start installing programs, probably one per week, and I want to know if I have any run away processes killing my battery.
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The application that I use to monitor CPU usage is Load-Applet ver. 0.8.2-2. I have N800/diablo.
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2008 @ California
Originally Posted by penguinpete View Post
My question is how do you tell what the CPU usage is for each running process? Is there a command, or a program I would have to install?
Have you tried running "top" from Xterm?

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