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Posts: 9 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Aug 2008 @ Northern NJ

I have had the n810 for less than a week and all is going very, very well!!!! WAAAAY better than my iTouch!

I upgraded to Diablo without a hitch, got hamachi up and running (kinda pointless at this time but at least it is running!), VNC and even chroot Debian and all is running well.
You all are a great wealth of knowledge here!!! Many thanks!

The few things I can't find out are the following:

1) mounting shares of a windows 2003 server PC - I have tried manually adding smbfs and smbclient files into the root FS as sugested since it seems it is not possible (at least with password protected shares at least) and the wizard-mount still seems to be awaiting a few dependencies.
Is there anything I can do in the meantime?
I was looking for mount-cifs as that seems to be mentioned as a possible method but I couldn't figure out where to get the correct installer or even files to test out.

EDIT - RESOLVED #1 - I followed qoles post HERE.
There are a few out there, but this was the one that worked! Thanks!!!!

2) browsing a share via smb using the built in web browser.
I read that it should work by on the address bar with:
but it just sits there forever and ever and does nothing.

3) the ability to play a mp3 or wmv file straight from a web server.
If I am on a webpage with a simple html link to a file, mplayer or the included media player can't play it back.
The Media Player (not mplayer) gives an error message that it can't find the file.
The files in question are actually in a straight forward directory on my own webserver running apache and the links are straight index links. Nothing fancy at all.
If I could figure out how to play a mp3 or a wmv file it would hold me over until the network shares progress.

If not video for some strange reason, I would like to at least play an mp3 file straight off my server.

EDIT - RESOLVED #3 - It seems that mplayer and the default media player do not allow for promptng for credentials via http authentication (I am using htaccess on the server).
The work around is to add the nameassword@ into the URL on the microB address bar before browsing to the page and then copying the links while the url contains the login info.
Works like a charm!!!!

Thanks for reading and thanks again for the site and great community!!!


Last edited by psybertech; 2008-08-17 at 16:25. Reason: Found resolutions to two items!

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