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hello everyone, I just bought the n800 from another member of the forums, should be here within the next couple of days just wondering how youtube video playback is with the current firmware and os2008. I've read that it was choppy in a review, how do you guys feel about it? thanks a lot.
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It runs better with the latest update, been pretty good for me.

I might recommend using MyTube as a viewer as the work real well there.

Embedded YouTube videos are much better.

Again, these are just my opinions based on my experience.

xxM5xx's Avatar
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The "MyTube" app for the N800 does work great, and an added bonus is that it stores the YouTube video(while viewing / playing it) so when you leave the WiFi cloud the YouTube video continues to play.

The video playback is completely free of chopiness with MyTube.

I watch GSN High Stakes Poker videos from YouTube. They are full episodes and are ~43 minutes in duration each. The N800 and MyTube make a great viewer for things like that. I haven't determined how to fast forward more than ten second at a time using MyTube which is a problem because it always starts playing the videos from the other words I cannot view, stop, and continue viewing later from where I left off, and the FFwd is not usable for getting to the middle of a 43 minute video. At least with the browser method of viewing, I can scroll / drag forward. Maybe MyTube can do it, but I have yet to determine how.

When you get your N800 be sure and install WorldTV99. It has live Internet TV streams for the N800. CNN works well (Discovery Channel does not however). I'd love WORLDTV99 to add SpikeTV to the line-up. The SpikeTV stream can be viewed on I assume it can be viewed using the N800 / WORLDTV99 somehow. I'd love to see FOX News if that could be added also. NASA channel is nice. CSPAN should be added if possible.


Last edited by xxM5xx; 2008-10-14 at 10:22.
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Sep 2008 @ Boston area (NE US)
I'm new to the N800 as well. No choppiness at all when watching videos with MyTube.

Last edited by bobkoure; 2008-10-15 at 17:09. Reason: typo
LordFu's Avatar
Posts: 151 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on May 2007
Youtube's player works fine. You just need to let the video load before playing. If you try to play the video while streaming the data, it is choppy. I haven't tried MyTube, but I don't find myself watching YouTube videos very often. If I did, I'm sure I'd install it.
sachin007's Avatar
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Is there any way to add settings in mytube to get the video occcupy the entire scree? like stretch the video?
I know canola tried this initially, but there was a lot of choppiness etc.

But my favourite uktube from kontorri played the youtube videos by stretching it.

SO please tell me if this can be done.

xxM5xx's Avatar
Posts: 354 | Thanked: 93 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ New York
Originally Posted by LordFu View Post
Youtube's player works fine. You just need to let the video load before playing. If you try to play the video while streaming the data, it is choppy. I haven't tried MyTube, but I don't find myself watching YouTube videos very often. If I did, I'm sure I'd install it.
I don't need to let the video load first..... I can stream and watch simulat. without chop. You may have a slow internet connection or some other issue. I stream High Stakes Poker from YouTube with MyTube at various HotSpots where I am (including my own LAN) without any chopiness. I find it cool that as I leave the WiFi "cloud" the show continues to play. That wasn't the case prior to using MyTube.


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