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Posts: 15 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2007
I LOVE MY N770 , and im not a rich guy , what they do at ??? were is the repo , were is become root , is no fair that n800 and n810 have simple scripts to do that and we are forgoten . i had install mamona sysop for testing , and leave os2006 in the memory card , so when i was recovering os2006 to recover dual boot , i had to return to old days access root trought ssh.

Maybe the webmaster of dont use n770 , but just one note , WERE STILL LIVE AND DEVELOP :P

please someone read this , because tomorow i can kill my card or internal nand and if i whant to do dual boot i have to make very gynastics

Posts: 196 | Thanked: 141 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Unfortunately Becomeroot never made it to gregale/extras. It was always in Distribution gregale Components user. The person who runs decided to close down the gregale repository on the site and only leave up bora (OS2007).

However, since becomeroot is, I believe merely a shell script that updates a specific file, you can use the above information to add the above bora repository and install becomeroot from there. After installing becomeroot, you can disable the repository to make sure you don't accidentally "upgrade" to applications and libraries than can't be used in gregale.

Or maybe you can just download the deb and install it from the device itself.

For 2008HE (chinook/diablo) you can use rootsh. It does the same thing as becomeroot (and more).

Also if you know which file becomeroot updates and you have ssh access to root, you can update the file yourself. Use the ancient versions of the "how do I become root" wiki pages for information on what file needs updating and how. As I recall it involves removing an if statement that checks to see if the device is in r&d mode.
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Originally Posted by jcharpak View Post
Unfortunately Becomeroot never made it to gregale/extras.
It should be in some minutes in the Gregale repository.
It's simple how to say: "please, could somebody with upload rights to upload this package to extras?"

But, generally the whining doesn't work.
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