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Posts: 104 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Apr 2008 @ Illinois
I thought I would show you what I made today for my internet tablet.

I turned a normal mini usb to usb male cable into a tiny 2-in-1 adapter.
It function as:
-a really short mini usb to usb male adapter to connect the n800 and other gadgets to the computer.
-a mini usb to usb female adapter to give your n800 a usb port to connect a usb keyboard, flash drive, etc.
Also its bendable so it can twist and turn to fit into awkward usb ports. Sorry if I am making this look like an ebay listing , but if anyone is interested I can post step-by-step instructions to make your own.
Posts: 33 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Aug 2008 @ Netherlands
I really am looking forward to your step-by-step instructions post.

The Following User Says Thank You to wdehoog For This Useful Post:
Posts: 104 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Apr 2008 @ Illinois
After using the adapter a few times I realized I have to think of a different way to secure the usb contacts. I originally used glue from a hot glue gun, but that didnt hold for long. And my soldering gun broke so I have to buy a new one. Sorry, but maybe those step-by-step instructions will be ready next weekend. In the meantime Im trying to find out if its not too hard to wire this adapter so the n800 goes into host mode automatically instead of always having to use usb control. If I can do that, this will be the ultimate adapter for the n800.
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Posts: 220 | Thanked: 41 times | Joined on Oct 2008
You mean this is home made?

I would be really interested in the instructions too, nice Beta design.
Posts: 631 | Thanked: 837 times | Joined on May 2007 @ Milton, Ontario, Canada
Nice work, but as somebody who's been down this road a year ago, here's the "ultimate" adaptor to fit exactly what you're talking about (started out as a home-made project, it's now custom manufactured so no chances of breaking/damage to tablet/etc)


Same idea as you've got but with a fixed female end instead of the "questionable gender" idea you had ;-) (The "swivel" section also provides full rotation, but nice and rigid so no chances of it breaking after a while or anything like that). Oh, and it's got the 4/5 pin short, so when you connect it, automatic USB Host mode. I've also got a slew of other N800/N810 "custom" accessories:


And of course we're always looking for new ideas, so if there's something else hardware wise that you'd like to see but can't find, let me know!

Posts: 104 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Apr 2008 @ Illinois
I realized I couldn't make this an automatic host mode adapter. I got a soldering iron yesterday and I think I have the design perfected. I'll post the step-by-step instructions in the next post.

The Following User Says Thank You to blowfish23 For This Useful Post:
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Here is the step-by-step instructions for how to turn a mini usb to usb cable into a tiny 2 in 1 n800 adapter.

1. First here is what you'll need:
Mini usb to usb cable (Most people have many of these. There's a chance you could break one of the soldering pins and have to start over. So you shouldn't do this if you only have one cable.
Soldering iron/gun and Solder
Hot glue gun and glue
Scissors or wire stripper and sharp knife
Small flathead screwdriver(s)
These two are helpful but not neccessary: Needlenose Pliers and Metal Cutters
Electrical Tape

2. Take the cable and strip it down as shown in the picture. You'll need the sharp knife to cut the rubber or plastic around the metal casing. It might be difficult to strip down the mini usb chip as shown without breaking the wires. If you break the wires off accidentally, you can always solder them back on, but that's difficult without a fine tip soldering iron. So try to not to break the wires off as you strip it down. Make sure to save the metal mini usb casing. Take the metal cutters and cut the mini usb casing in half, making sure to keep the shape of the casing. If you don't have metal cutters you can just leave it and it will make the adapter a little longer. Either way slide the metal casing back onto the mini usb chip.

3. Now you're ready to solder. Cut the wires to your desired length. If their too short it can't be flexible, if their too long that will obviously increase the size of the adapter. Now strip the wires and solder them. Here's a picture of where the correct color wires should go:

After you make sure the solder connections are secure, now is a good time to test it. Connect the n800 or another mini usb device to the computer. (Note: At this stage, it will not work as a mini usb to usb female adapter.)

4. If the computer reads the device fine, then put plenty of glue around the solder connections to make them extra secure. Keep in mind you'll be gripping around the solder connections to pull the adapter out of usb slots. Then wrap it in electrical tape. If you've done it correctly, the middle section should be flexible.

5. The last step is to make it so you can plug usb devices such as a flash drive into one end. To do this you need to put some solder onto each of the 4 pins. The solder has to be raised enough so that it fits into usb slots snugly. But if the solder is raised too much then you won't be able to plug in usb devices. You'll have to test it as you solder. Once you get it just right, run a final test to see if you can connect your n800 to the computer. Also check if you can put the n800 in host mode and connect usb devices. It is now finished.

I recommend usb-otg-plugin to put the n800 into and out of host mode quickly. It puts an icon in your status bar to switch into and out of host mode.
Posts: 35 | Thanked: 13 times | Joined on Oct 2008
Another easy usb otg method :-

If you have osso-statusbar-cpu installed (search maemo for more info) it allows user scripts to be run.
PHP Code:
# become root (sudo gainroot) and reload self
if [ `id -u` != ] ; then
sudo gainroot 
<< EOF
echo host > /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode
PHP Code:
# become root (sudo gainroot) and reload self
if [ `id -u` != ] ; then
sudo gainroot 
<< EOF
echo otg > /sys/devices/platform/musb_hdrc/mode 

Ive saved both in the directory /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/Scripts
chmod 755 {both files}

Now to make an easy on screen link....
Within statusbar > settings > commands
New > Host > command > /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/Scripts/
New > OTG > command > /home/user/MyDocs/.documents/Scripts/

Might look long but once done you have a simple way to start / stop anything...
Ive got the following commands for quick access without going near command prompt.

ProFTP daemon start/stop
Web server & PHP daemons start/stop

Last edited by purg; 2009-02-23 at 11:50.

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