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Flandry's Avatar
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I just noticed that Ogg Vorbis is not listed as a supported audio format. I had assumed it wold be, as it is the only decent free and unencumbered audio format that i'm aware of. I've done a bit of searching and not really found anything to justify this bizarre shortcoming in a linux distribution. I'd appreciate it if someone who knows could explain:
1- Why Ogg codecs aren't natively supported
2- When they will be

I ripped all my CDs to Ogg files when i moved, and the lack of Ogg playback on my current portable music player/phone has been an annoyance.
zerojay's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Flandry View Post
I just noticed that Ogg Vorbis is not listed as a supported audio format. I had assumed it wold be, as it is the only decent free and unencumbered audio format that i'm aware of. I've done a bit of searching and not really found anything to justify this bizarre shortcoming in a linux distribution. I'd appreciate it if someone who knows could explain:
1- Why Ogg codecs aren't natively supported
2- When they will be

I ripped all my CDs to Ogg files when i moved, and the lack of Ogg playback on my current portable music player/phone has been an annoyance.
OGG is not supported natively within the tablets because Nokia is not convinced that it is unencumbered at all. Since they can't go to anyone to license it, they can't be sure they can't be nailed with a lawsuit. There's much deeper discussion about this in previous "we want OGG" threads here on the forums.

In the meantime, the community is supporting OGG with the aptly-named "ogg-support" package. Info on what it does and supports can be found here:

Hope this helps.

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There is 'Ogg Support' package available in Fremantle Extras. You can install it on the device with default settings in Application Manager.

Once you'll install the package (actually, it pulls several packages), Ogg Vorbis and Ogg Flac are supported by the device's applications.

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Oh, litigationmaniaphobia rears its ugly head again. Figures.

Thanks for pointing me to extras--i lost one of my serious hang-ups to getting an N900 now. I was particularly encouraged by this comment to the latest version of the ogg extra:
Anyway, answering the performance question: at least in my quick measurements of gst-av the battery usage seems to be even less than the official MP3 decoder. I still have to confirm, but at least it’s nothing sort of bad

Comment by Felipe Contreras — October 5, 2009 @ 1:58 am

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