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mikec's Avatar
Posts: 1,366 | Thanked: 1,185 times | Joined on Jan 2006
What about an XDM type login. Then I can have two profiles. One for work and one for home. Two N900's in 1 ?

Mike C
benny1967's Avatar
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I would have loved to see this on my N8x0, too. I share this device and let my bf watch videos on it or read news sites. It would be only reasonable to assume he could also configure his mail accounts or save his own bookmarks. (Of course, above all, it is important he doesn't see my browser history or read my mails )

It's all true that the tablets were and the N900 will be personal devices that you normally don't share. OTOH, they're outstanding devices with outstanding capabilities that sometimes need to be made available to others. Having the possibility to choose between a single user mode and a multi-user mode is useful.
mikec's Avatar
Posts: 1,366 | Thanked: 1,185 times | Joined on Jan 2006
lots of requests for multiple email accounts, multiple calendars and contacts. this would solve it in one shot. its linux after all

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