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It might be worth logging these as bugs (against each application separately). If there is a good reason to have the ports open it will probably be closed as WONTFIX but if it is an oversight (and they should really only be listening on the loopback interface) then they sound like bugs which should be fixed.

If you log the bugs, list them here so anyone else who cares can go and vote for them.


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Originally Posted by Wonko View Post
Thanks for the hint, i added the according bug reports:
Cool, thx for opening these bug reports. Will be interesting to see if this was an oversight or if they are open for remote for some legit reason. I'm guessing they should just be listening on localhost only.
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I was reading up about WAP PUSH. I wonder why there should be support for that at all on this device. It accesses the real internet after all, not that old WAP rubbish.
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WAP push is not WAP. It's a means for e.g. software installation by your carrier. E.g. T-Online's mobile banking client installs per WAP push (but not on the N900 since it's Java). There's a daemon listening because the N900 is a phone.

The 1900 UDP port is for listening to SSDP broadcast messages used by UPnP. If you close this port, your N900 won't be able to find UPnP devices on the network anymore, provided you have some.
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OK. But I don't see how the carrier can push software installations to random phone devices, they're all having different operating systems. My carrier has (in the past) pushed stuff which has been loaded into the SIM card though. Is that through the same mechanism? It sounds a bit unlikely because this used to happen to my very old phone which was before WAP was even invented.
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Java MIDlets usually work on many phones. The carrier won't push without your permission or request usually, though.
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