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Looks fine here. Actually I get one line of cpu usage with music and browser.

And this is posted from N900
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Originally Posted by redi View Post
I'm a bit of a sound-a-holic, being a composer and heavy duty listener, and I've noticed a couple of annoying things about the N900 and it's sound quality.

What I've heard is that the problem has to do with Pulseaudio doing a sample conversion to 48Khz and some software equalizing to make the audio sound better and as worst, automatic limiting to create the so called "wall mix" effect to get higher volume output but killing the dynamics of the track as a side effect (I read that it's a protection so you won't drive too loud volume on the speakers to make them overdrive/break). As much as a normal consumer wouldn't mind these things, they add unnecessary overhead to the N900 cpu and distort the sound in a way that makes me quite annoyed.

As much as I hate to come to the forums asking for someone to make me software that prolly will take days and days to get finished, It's beyond my skillset to code an app that would bypass PA and let me listen to the tracks I've got on the phone as they are (and lets me play tracks managed in a folder/album structure and not just by 1 genre/playlist/etc like the built in one). And I think I can manage to mind the soundvolume without any built in burst protection. Another possibility would be to create a hack on any of the current players to get them bypass PA?

Meanwhile I'll just have to carry another player with me.
have you found a solution? the brickwall-limiter effect pisses me off

Last edited by marmistrz; 2011-07-01 at 09:54.

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don't know what are you thanking me for
Does anybodyknow how toget rid of that dynamic range killing?
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Anyone has a solution?
SubCore's Avatar
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at what volumes do you listen to your music??
i've never had an issue with the SW limiter using my studio headphones, and believe me, i'd recognize the wall effect. i listen to classical music as well, and i used to record and mix several projects.

anyway, one way to bypass it would be "pasuspender" from the package pulseaudio-utils.
use it like this from xterm:
pasuspender mediaplayer
though i don't recommend it. the speakers arent good enough for louder volumes and you WILL damage them, and via headphones it shouldn't be necessary anyhow. also, i have no idea how this would affect the normal phone functions.

edit: to be clear: with pasuspender you effectively shut down pulseaudio, and let mediaplayer talk exclusively and directly to the audio device via alsa. this means no other application will be able to produce sound!
"What we perceive is not nature itself, but nature exposed to our method of questioning."
-- Werner Karl Heisenberg

Last edited by SubCore; 2011-07-03 at 14:05.
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About 3/4 to 5/6 of bar.... And given some more volume on hifi
The drums which really give beat from a pendrive, via mini jack (double male) don't give any power, are just like ones in 2011's over-compressed albums as "Endgame" by Rise Against (tested on "Spreading the Disease" by Anthrax)

I've been using 2 different cables, two different speaker systems and it stays the same

I wasn't using the internal speakers, but hifi external speakerss
To be clear: the album has 12 dB dynamic range... and sounded better not on n900

is it an CSSU issue?
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I found this in lineout.parameters:

x-maemo.limiter.ul.parameters = hex:f79d5a0030e30500a613440072632e64

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