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felbutss's Avatar
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quick question. is this already been logged as a bug??? or should i log it.

i opened the camera and it was already on landscape mode with the flash turned off. took a photo but the flash kept being used. tryed another one and it was used again. ggrrrrrrr
xomm's Avatar
Posts: 609 | Thanked: 243 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Eastern USA
Could you be more specific? Sometimes the Flash light is used before the picture is actually taken, even if flash is turned off. However, it doesn't actually use the Flash when you take the picture itself.
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felbutss's Avatar
Posts: 579 | Thanked: 286 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Australia
Originally Posted by xomm View Post
Could you be more specific? Sometimes the Flash light is used before the picture is actually taken, even if flash is turned off. However, it doesn't actually use the Flash when you take the picture itself.

thats the thing. it does use the flash but it was switched off
Posts: 293 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Fremantle, W. Australia
Originally Posted by felbutss View Post
thats the thing. it does use the flash but it was switched off
Uses what for what? Do you mean the white LEDs?
They are used for focus as well as "flash".
As xomm says, be more specific.
Always? What if you change setting on, then off?
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Posts: 579 | Thanked: 286 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Australia
lol ok.

The flash actually initiates taking a photo, so the photo has used a flash even though flash is off.

I tried turning it on and off still no help. To fix the issue I have to turn the flash on>close the camera app>open camera app>turn flash off.

I know what the focus lights are but I’m not talking about that
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Camera uses LEDs to help sensing autofocus if needed. If flash is disabled, it will not be used during picture taking but LEDs still be used to help autofocus if required so by light conditions.
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Everything seems to work as intended as abbra said. If there is not enough light, the camera uses the LEDs to obtain a better focus. If there is enough light, the LEDs are not used. In any way, the LEDs are not used as a flash if flash is turned off.

Just to be curious. Is your intention to use the camera as unnoticable as possible to take pictures in secret? Atleast there seems to be a lot of people who are interested in getting the shutter sound mute and the red record light off. If so, I understand what you are trying to achieve.

Perhaps this is more of a request for some kind of a "spy setting" as I can't see any other reason to not use the flash when focusing.
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the camera used the led to focus AND FOR A FLASH TO TAKE THE PHOTO LOL. thats my point. ill upload a video to prove it when i can.

i was trying to take a photo at night in the rain with light around me. the flash was reflecting off the rain so i wanted to turn it off
Posts: 162 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Finland
Okay so it seems to be buggy for you, though it works for me. I'm using the latest public firmware with some extras-devel applications installed. Have you modified/customised the camera app configuration in any other way? If you can easily reproduce the bug, perhaps you should write a bug report or check if one exists already.
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Posts: 579 | Thanked: 286 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Australia
will do that now.

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