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Posts: 232 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Jul 2009 @ Idaho
I don't know the correct term for the spinner thing, but that thing that shows up to the left of 'Updating' and the like has died. It's not a big issue but it's turning itno a pet peeve...
Anyone know how to bring it back??
If my posts have a few misspellings or other errors, it's probably cause I'm pounding out words at the speed of insanity on my N810.
Posts: 179 | Thanked: 95 times | Joined on May 2008
Try this in xterm:
Posts: 232 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Jul 2009 @ Idaho
I did. Don't know if I need to reboot...?
Edit: did nothing. I have the community SSU latest, but there hasnt been an update too recently, and it broke like 3 days ago.
If my posts have a few misspellings or other errors, it's probably cause I'm pounding out words at the speed of insanity on my N810.

Last edited by Mgamerz; 2010-06-05 at 13:28.
Posts: 179 | Thanked: 95 times | Joined on May 2008
Maybe try to change theme and reboot. I once lost the long click menu swirly swirl of wonder, so I know how you feel. Missing these things just ruins the entire tableteering experience !
Posts: 232 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Jul 2009 @ Idaho
No, when I load web and stuff it still only shows 'web' in the little box... no spinner icon. I don't want to reflash :/
If my posts have a few misspellings or other errors, it's probably cause I'm pounding out words at the speed of insanity on my N810.

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