Hi guys!
Im trying to upload an app in extra-devel, but i have a problem: auto-build process works fine and i can find the app in the repo using N900. The problem is that package use a wrong installation path like:
and not the one defined in .pro file:
im able to package the app using madde and all works fine, but using Maemo Extra Assistant produce a wrong .deb file
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Im trying to upload an app in extra-devel, but i have a problem: auto-build process works fine and i can find the app in the repo using N900. The problem is that package use a wrong installation path like:
and not the one defined in .pro file:
im able to package the app using madde and all works fine, but using Maemo Extra Assistant produce a wrong .deb file
Can someone help me please?
Link to .deb is http://maemo.org/packages/package_in...fastsms/0.1-2/
im here for any question
thank you