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Posts: 151 | Thanked: 135 times | Joined on Jan 2007
I'm trying to format a 2gb card [Nokia, 2GB micro SD via adaptors] but it keeps telling me that the memory card is in use - whether it's at the internal or external slot.

I've tried formatting the memory card in XP, but once I check back on the N95, everything is still there, untouched. Even the name of the card won't change.

Can't try in the memory card reader as that's bust.

This is not really N800 territory, more card corruption - but I'm hoping one of you guys will know something just in case the card is still salvageable [I'm two failed formats away from binning it]
Posts: 19 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Ontario, Canada
Did you check to see if the write protect switch is on? Can you read the cards in Windows? And before you throw them away, can't you RMA the cards back to Nokia? I'm assuming they're still under warranty.
Posts: 151 | Thanked: 135 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Originally Posted by vash View Post
Did you check to see if the write protect switch is on? Can you read the cards in Windows? And before you throw them away, can't you RMA the cards back to Nokia? I'm assuming they're still under warranty.
Thanks for your reply vash.

Protect switch off,
Card readable in Windows [albeit some files unreadable due to a previous corruption]
Returning to Nokia? I wouldn't like to as it was a freebie/gift

I bought a new reader and a new card yesterday. When they arrive, hopefully the card reader will be more successful at formatting. If not, well, the other card is there.
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Can't suggest any solutions, but just wanted to point out that the write-protect switch is not supported by the N800 - the switch is ignored. However I'm confused - is this a N800 problem or N95?
Posts: 3,841 | Thanked: 1,079 times | Joined on Nov 2006
Yea, is this N800 or N95? As to formatting.. well, I don't format cards. Some people have experienced problems with the pre-formatting on the cards, I've never done it though and I have a lot of cards. They work in all my devices. In any case, according to several sources it's not recommended to format the card with the standard Windows PC disk formatting program. One of those sources is Panasonic, I posted a link some time ago to a Panasonic web page with an explanation about this and a free downloadable special flash card formatting program.
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-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.

Last edited by TA-t3; 2007-04-13 at 15:52.

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