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Boemien's Avatar
Posts: 770 | Thanked: 558 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Abidjan
I Prefer using FAS than use fAircrack. FAS is more "Tech and geeky" lool! even if I'm a bit noOb! Thanks for this Script FRuMMaGe!!
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Scarbrough
Hey nice work man...
I mean u are turely explaning the real potential of N900....

Great Work...

Okey so i am a bit stuck...
well every thing went excelent and i completely installed it and started it..
i went to WPA
when i select 2

> 2. Scan for APs

anotherpages opens where it show the the found APs and and their info...

but when i return back to the menu page a thing comes up in the end asking

# AP Channel, AP MAC, Write File #

dude what's this i mean what is it asking me for...
and please can y explain what do i need to type...
cause i know write file would be the file in which it records the movement, may be or may be not.

so can u please explain it's path

secondly usually how many time would u preffer the number of deauth. sent..

and is there a way to know weather it is sending the deauth. or not
cause when i type in the stuff

Targets MAC, My Mac, wlan0, 10

a xterminal window opens and then closes.....


can you please help me in that....

Thanks man

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FRuMMaGe's Avatar
Posts: 330 | Thanked: 483 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ Norwich, UK
Originally Posted by darguzar View Post
Hey nice work man...
I mean u are turely explaning the real potential of N900....

Great Work...

Okey so i am a bit stuck...
well every thing went excelent and i completely installed it and started it..
i went to WPA
when i select 2

> 2. Scan for APs

anotherpages opens where it show the the found APs and and their info...

but when i return back to the menu page a thing comes up in the end asking

# AP Channel, AP MAC, Write File #

dude what's this i mean what is it asking me for...
and please can y explain what do i need to type...
cause i know write file would be the file in which it records the movement, may be or may be not.

so can u please explain it's path

secondly usually how many time would u preffer the number of deauth. sent..

and is there a way to know weather it is sending the deauth. or not
cause when i type in the stuff

Targets MAC, My Mac, wlan0, 10

a xterminal window opens and then closes.....


can you please help me in that....

Thanks man
Everything you are asking for is in the firsrt post. If you really find it too difficullt then try out fAircrack, my graphical version. There's a link in my signature
OMNOM: Pacman-like game now in extras-devel

fAircrack (Aircrack GUI): Point-and-click pwnage for your N900
Now with John the Ripper integration
Posts: 95 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Jan 2011
when i type this commmand in x terminal then this error occure any solution plz
sh /home/user/MyDocs/FAS/
then it says that
maemo application must b run with script
QGtkStyle was unable to detect the current GTK+ theme
segmantation fault

Last edited by NOMIOMI; 2011-02-07 at 13:02.
FRuMMaGe's Avatar
Posts: 330 | Thanked: 483 times | Joined on Dec 2010 @ Norwich, UK
Originally Posted by NOMIOMI View Post
when i type this commmand in x terminal then this error occure any solution plz
Don't run it as root
OMNOM: Pacman-like game now in extras-devel

fAircrack (Aircrack GUI): Point-and-click pwnage for your N900
Now with John the Ripper integration
Posts: 1,522 | Thanked: 392 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ São Paulo, Brazil
Btw, i tried running that Wifite one and it seems it needs some tweaks to be useable in the N900 (it looks like it doesn't quite fit on the screen, and it complains about the aircrack version and there is no pyrit to install in the repos), i would appreciate if someone "ported" it, please?
Posts: 95 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Jan 2011
when i type this command

/home/user/MyDocs/wl1251-maemo/binary/kernel-power # cd /boot
/boot # mv zImage-2.6.28-maemo46-wl1 multiboot/vmlinuz-

mv:can not rename zimage-2.6.28-maemo46-wl1 no such file or directory

any solution plz

crack it, frummage rocks!, noobparty

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