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Recently I tried to updgrade my easyDebian from lenny to squeeze, but something went wrong, so I went for a clean install of squeeze. The remainder of this post describes what I did, and why I think GNUstep/wmaker isn't all that bad on a handheld.

Installing squeeze on n810

This is what I did
  • I needed to run debootstrap, to get an initial debian system onto my card. To do this I used a cardreader and a desktop computer. Debootsrap has some dependencies which aren't easy to satisfy on maemo. Once this is done, the rest can be done on the device itself.
  • I wrote a script, "debitz". which does a chroot into debian. For the script I shamelessly copied ideas from qole's easyDebian. The main difference is that I put everything into a single script and I decided to give the debian user a different home directory (/home/debitz)
  • The drawback of this single-file idea is that debitz has to be visible both from debian and maemo under the same path. Putting it into /home/user is sufficient to fulfill this requirement.
  • With debitz in place, I chrooted into the minimal debian installation and installed everything else using apt-get and aptitude. I did not go for heavyweights like openOffice, because I don't even use them on my desktop. I tried to record all the installations in debitz-debian, but since I only went through this process once I may have missed something.

A Desktop environment

At this point I was able to run debian commandline programs or X programs which are displayed on maemo's xserver. To be honest, I believe this is all you ever need, but just for the hell of it I decided to install a desktop environment.

Installing lxde is certainly not difficult. It is a bit more tricky to start a second xserver, but again qole had already solved this issue with the hostwin program, which creates a window into which the xephyr x-server will draw. The trickiest part was to get all the calls and callbacks into a single script.

Another difficulty was getting the keyboard right. I ended up fetching the .xkb file from a maemo session and installing it into a xephyr session. The nice thing is that all my xmodmap hacks are faithfully reflected in this single file. I added a function postInstall() in debitz which does this copying (and replaces KP_Enter by Return).

Once this was done I could launch lxde. I Changed some settings, made the fonts bigger, all nice an shiny, but a few things were bothering me:
  • Lxde takes too long to start
  • The window decorations were too small to use them with the stylus, let alone with the fingers.
  • It was all too mainstream, too windows-like

So I googled around for the "most lightweight linux desktop" and was introduced to GNUstep with windowMaker as its window-manager. After two days plaing with it I am quite happy with it:
  • Startup is about twice as fast than Lxde
  • It looks "different" (it smells like Objective-C with a hint of smalltalk)
  • You can easily operate it with the keyboard. Defining keyboard shortcuts is a breeze
  • The docks and icons are big enough to be invoked with the finger
  • You can get a "debian menu" easily. This is one benefit of running a desktop environment: you get a menu which follows SW instalations and deinstallations.
  • Custom other menu entries can easily be created


The main wmaker panel (wmprefs) with some stuff in the background and the dock to the right.

Name:  wmakerConfig.jpg
Views: 1157
Size:  23.4 KB

Switching windows can be done with the keyboard

Name:  switching.jpg
Views: 1209
Size:  23.9 KB

The Menu can be invoked and naviagted by the keyboard. The debian menu is kept up-to-date by the system, the other entries were made by me.

Name:  menu.jpg
Views: 1251
Size:  24.0 KB

You can create a hotkey (F6 of course) to launch

wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -n toggle,fullscreen

which saves you a lot of real eastate

Name:  fullscreen.jpg
Views: 1226
Size:  24.2 KB

What the scripts do

Debitz runs a debian command from maemo. It has three configurable variables at the top (the partition, the fs-type and the mountpoint of your debian installation). Change as neeed.

debitz -u cmd runs cmd as user
debitz -r cmd runs cmd as root
debitz -x runs a command in xephyr (debitz -x wmaker launches GNUstep, debitz -x lxsession launches lxde.)
debitz postInstall creates /home/user/debitz.xkb

debitz-debian records (most of) the installations I did on the debian side. You need to uncomment things you want installed.
Attached Files
File Type: tar debitz.tar (4.1 KB, 101 views)

The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to drautzburg For This Useful Post:
Posts: 5,795 | Thanked: 3,151 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Agoura Hills Calif
I tried Wmmaker years ago on my N810 and also liked it. Penguinbait explained how to install it in one of his posts, I believe. Unfortunately no one else seemed interested and I stopped running any of that stuff. Great to see a report about it, though.
All I want is 40 acres, a mule, and Xterm.
norayr's Avatar
Posts: 148 | Thanked: 216 times | Joined on Jul 2010 @ Yerevan
WindowMaker is my only desktop environment on all my laptops for years.

I believe that GNUStep is a good starting point to create even mobile oriented interfaces.'s Avatar
Posts: 1,348 | Thanked: 1,863 times | Joined on Jan 2009 @ fr/35/rennes
I built gnustep on harmattan ...

now we should try to find and port opensource iphone apps
Current obsession:

Please help to list all maemo existing apps :

I am looking for " 4 inch TFT LCD display screen " for Nokia n950 HandSet

Also, I need online storage to archive files :

Last edited by; 2012-07-24 at 18:01.

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gnustep, harmattan

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