Please be gentle with mentioned in another thread I started (here) I have at times ended up in a “auto reboot” loop on my Nokia 770. In the most recent isnatnce and when the window of opportunity was there (i.e. it didn’t freeze or reboot first) the Control Panel -> Memory applet showed that Device memory in use was 80-100% even when no applications were running.
I’ve been reading this article to try and get my head a little more around things but must confess I’m still not sure if I’ve got my Flash, DRAM, Root and so on sorted out !
I wondering if my “Memory usage” is the norm and perhaps somebody could compare ?
With a standard OS2006 installation (I’ve just reflashed), only the System Monitor plugin installed together with no Wifi active and no MMC fitted are the figures below OK ?
So on mine with mediastreamer 1.2-12 and system-monitor-plugin 1.2 installed, SMP gives
root 46% 123M-67M free
MMC 75% 60M-15M free
RAM(+SWAP) 61% 91M-35M free (I have 32MB swap enabled)
Control panel->Memory shows
Device 2% used /
Storage memory in use 1.44MB
Storage mem available 65.5MB
Installed apps 2.36MB
So I do not understand your "Device=11% used" when mine has 2% with more apps installed?
I’ve been reading this article to try and get my head a little more around things but must confess I’m still not sure if I’ve got my Flash, DRAM, Root and so on sorted out !
I wondering if my “Memory usage” is the norm and perhaps somebody could compare ?
With a standard OS2006 installation (I’ve just reflashed), only the System Monitor plugin installed together with no Wifi active and no MMC fitted are the figures below OK ?
SMP reports:
Root 50% - 123M, 62M free
MMC - not mounted
RAM 80% - 60M, 12M free
Control Panel -> memory reports:
Device = 11% Used
Storage Mem in use 7.84MB
Storage Mem available 59.7MB
Installed applications 184kb
Am I missing something in so much as the memory applet in control panel suggests 11% is being used when SMP says 80% ?
If I load my 2GB MMC card and enable 64MB of Virtual RAM the numbers appear to tally compared to the above, ie +64MB RAM.
Root 50% - 123M, 62M free
MMC 46%, 1921M, 1042M free (mainly has Mapper maps on)
RAM (+SWAP) 43% - 123M, 70M free
Control Panel -> memory reports the same as above other than (obviously !) having 64MB enabled under the Virtual tab.
Any help and insight much appreciated.
Best Regards