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Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2007
i checked some sites on n800
but i sitl blur on it
pardon my noob questions.


1. what OS i should look for example for its applications and games and others if i wants to install on to it

2. is there a control panel example to do the installing and uninstalling and a window explorer example built-in already?

3. i heard about abi word or some program to view word/excel in n800 but is there a program to view and edit word/excel on it? or we can only access our word/excel files on the google sites like

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4. oke let say i got word/excel files on n800 can i attacht it on my email to sent it out on its pop3 email on n800 and the builtin opera browser if i access my yahoo/gmail web email access?

5. and where do i find those files to DL and install on it to
as o browse those files and i dont understands what it do too
( FYI > no a linux user before)

6. btw any games to install or its just a pure web surfing machine?

7. is it hard to setup to dailup to our mobile phone to use its 3G access?

8. can it builtin browser have mutiple tabs so to surf and wont it be lagging if we have muitple tab on opera

9. can n800 muti-task like open afew program in one go and alt-tab like window?

more questions will follows soon if i can recal them
so pls help me thx.

Last edited by feihong; 2007-08-25 at 05:32. Reason: more to add
Banned | Posts: 138 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jun 2007
look on this forum and you'll find all your answers - don't get this device if you can't search for the answers yourself and need everything spoon fed.
Posts: 29 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Earl00 is right - read before asking...

The Nokia n800 runs Linux, but basically needs programs already ported to run on it (some exceptions, mainly command-line programs). Lots available at

As for Word/Excel, I've installed the Mozilla-based browser and use Google docs - works great for that quick read of a Word attachment.

You can tether the n800 via a 3g phone - I use USBModem on my Treo 700p - works great! Many phones work out of the box - you cell provider may want $$$ YMMV
Posts: 5,795 | Thanked: 3,151 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Agoura Hills Calif
You can do most of what you want to do, but if learning isn't your idea of fun, you should probably forget it. Everything isn't going to work the way you want the first day, and maybe not the first few months. You are getting a very cool device -- AND a hobby.

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