This is still not resolved. RzR tried to contact x-fade at Jolla, but until now no response.
We agreed on trying to contact Jolla board member to ask for some spare time of x-fade to resolve this and hand over rights on Maemo IRC channels to CC or board member(s).
This mail will be prepared by nieldk and should be signed by all CC/Board members.
Attending: Gido Griese (Win7Mac), Falk Stern (warfare),
Philippe Coval (RzR), Niel Nielsen (nieldk), Peter Leinchen (peterleinchen)
Absent: Joerg Reisenweber (DocScrutinizer05), Jussi Ohenoja (juiceme)
Summary of topics (ordered by discussion):
Topic (status of MC e.V.):
- German court is processing for weeks and weeks (they're understaffed ATM), but we have a file number...
- UPDATE on this (not in the meeting): MC e.V. got registered!
Topic (new SSL certificates):- This issue can be marked as resolved by the work and help of Falk Stern (warfare, TMO: fstern).
- The certs are from startssl and are "free" as in beer.
- Muchos gracias !!!
- A personal thank you, as he did this on his own.
Topic (IRC configuration/administration rights):- This is still not resolved. RzR tried to contact x-fade at Jolla, but until now no response.
- We agreed on trying to contact Jolla board member to ask for some spare time of x-fade to resolve this and hand over rights on Maemo IRC channels to CC or board member(s).
- This mail will be prepared by nieldk and should be signed by all CC/Board members.
Topic (future of Harmattan):Action Items:
Link: Original article.
Last edited by chemist; 2014-09-17 at 16:47. Reason: link minutes