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I am trying to restore a backup made with backupmenu 1.20 from one device I have to a 2nd one.

I use optfs formatted to 4gb (on both) and the following:

Community SSU version = 2011.38-1Tmaemo9.1+thumb1
Kernel Power Version =

After I failed to make it work with simple restore of rootfs and opts from the first device (I got a blank screen with white light on left down side and after few seconds the device turns off), I tried the following procedure:

start with usb connected and "u" pressed
restore image "RX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2.003_PR_COMBINED_003_ARM.bin" and when it starts to boot -> power off
start with usb connected and "u" pressed
restore "flashable_rootfs_v0.56-1-20101109.img" image and reboot to backupmenu 0.56
restore an image with backupmenu 1.20 and reboot into it again

With version 1.20, restore both the root and optfs images (restore went successfully) -> reboot.

After reboot, the white light on the left down side turns and stays on, and the screen lights on blanked for a few seconds and then the device turns off (same behavior as in my first restore).

I also tried with an older backed up image (2 months old) - same process and all happens the same.

i used to do this procedure in the past (last time was about 6 months ago) with no issues.

Any idea what might be the cause for this and how I can make it work with my restored image? Is there another way to backup & restore between the devices?

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peterleinchen's Avatar
Posts: 4,118 | Thanked: 8,901 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ Ruhrgebiet, Germany
Sounds like the mother of all backup/restore problems:
different kernel versions (espec. thumb).

Kernel (and module) versions need to be the same on backup and to-be-restored device.
- flash device
- flash/install same kernel/modules as in backup(ped device)
- restore the backup
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bingomion's Avatar
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i did the same, you have to have matching kernel

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pichlo's Avatar
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Also, restoring a backup from device A on device B is not guaranteed to work, even when the kernels match. I have never figured out why.
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Posts: 669 | Thanked: 433 times | Joined on May 2010
Thanks - solved by:

1. reflashing maemo image
2. adding repositories extras-development and extras-testing
3. installing from app manager "rootsh"
4. x-term -> "sudo gainroot"
5. apt-get install backupmenu kernel-power-settings
6. restart to backupmenu
7. restore my image

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