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stickymick's Avatar
Posts: 1,079 | Thanked: 1,019 times | Joined on Mar 2010
What's your preferences for headphones with the Jolla?

I've been trying to find a suitable set of in ear/ear buds for the Jolla phone and it's costing me a small fortune.

I bought a pair of these last week for £50+
and all I can say is they are cr@p. At full volume (both phone and earphones) the music is just audible over the noise of a bus engine.

I have just ordered a pair of these and waiting for delivery:
Judging by the customer reviews they sound good.

I also have a pair of KS Manhattans which are both Bluetooth or wired and they sound excellent with the volume of the phone at only 40% they are louder than the Sonys at full volume, but although they're small they are still a little big to lug around on days out and shopping trips.
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kinggo's Avatar
Posts: 943 | Thanked: 3,228 times | Joined on Jun 2010 @ Zagreb
IMO, Jolla audio out just sucks. I have few of them (all wired and mostly SONY) and they all sound better on any other device (Z2 tablet, M4 aqua, Moto X Play, N900). MDR-EX650 is the one I usually use. XBA-3 are better ones, but not on Jolla. I would say that output is to weak.

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pichlo's Avatar
Posts: 6,450 | Thanked: 20,983 times | Joined on Sep 2012 @ UK
I use el-cheapo Panasonic headphones from Argos. I paid £11.99 for them some 5-6 years ago, they are £12.99 now. A colleague's set for 10 times that much sounds noticeably better but I would say perhaps 10% better, not 10x better. The volume is fine even in a noisy environment. Not very inconspicuous or portable though if that's what you are looking for.
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jellyroll's Avatar
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Try this low budget supporting audio electronics shop. No commercials - just saying.
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Never had a chance to hold a Jolla and hear music from it. But My N9 is perfect with a pair of Sennheiser in-ear headphones CX-300 II.
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I get louder output from a Sony sbh20 Bluetooth adapter, into which I've some Shure ear phones (not sure which model but they were about £50).

I used to use a Nokia bh221 which was barely loud enough on full but loved the form factor - great for mountain biking.

Usually though it's the Shures plugged in to a Sony Z phone or tablet. The Jolla's audio output is average at best.
stickymick's Avatar
Posts: 1,079 | Thanked: 1,019 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Got the Action Pie headphones today.
What can I say? Apart from
Absolutely amazing sound for the price and damn comfortable to wear too.
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stickymick's Avatar
Posts: 1,079 | Thanked: 1,019 times | Joined on Mar 2010
Ooops. Just realised where I put this thread.
The Sonys sounded cr@p on the N9 too anyway. :P
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